News Scrapbook 1982-1984


2 The Dally Californian D ACCENT O Saturday, October 1 , 1983


--~O~CT 4. USD play


''Barefoot in the Park"

Exhibits Animal art -


The University of San Diego's Theatre Arts Program presents Neil Simon's "Barefoot in the Park," October 6th through the 9th. Performances of Simon's clas 1c comecly will be at 8 p.m., with a 2 p .m. matinee on Sunday the 9th, in the Camino Theatre. General admission for "Barefoot in the Park" is $4; students and seniors, $3 ; children, $2. Tickets may be purchased at the Box Office prior to each performance.

The cast of USO student, and alumni includes: Adrienne O'Hara as Corie; Don Cavanagh as The Telephone Repair Man; Andrew Shriver a The Delivery Man; Bill Mitchell as Paul; Gloria Blanco as Mrs. Banks; and Jimmy Anklesana as Victor Velasco. 1 he production is under the direction of Pamela Connoll}, assisted by Marilyn Green. For more information, call 291-6480, ext. 4712.


"Beasts," an exh1bit1on or rt form, will be on display from noon to 5 p.m we kdays through Friday, Oct, 11, In the Founders Gallery, Found r H II, t the University of San DI go, Ate la Admi sion Is free. more Inform !Ion, call 291-6480. animals In

• " Personal decision styles and ~ial e~" WIii be the top,c of an Update breakfast seminar sponsored the Unrversity of San Diego SctlOOI of Business faculty at the University Club, 1333 Seventh Ave • 7:30 to 9 a.m. A 520 lflCludes break- las~ seminar and matenals. Act.lance reglstrat,on is encouraged. For further lnformaoon, phonl, 293-4585


College !\Totes

cond annual


Jazz f"tiwal -

"O y on the Bay" Jau festival sponsored by th University of San Diego (USD) will be held from 1 to 4:30 p.m. Sunda,. at Humphrey's H If Moon Inn on Shelter Island. The Bruce Camaron and Hollis G ntry Ensemble will perform along with the Kill r Bee Trio. featuring vocalist Kevyne Lattau Admission Is $3, $2 for student . Tick t may be purcha ed at the USO bookstore, Mission Valley YMCA or t tl'le door. Proceeds will benefit the World Hunger Organization nd th Mission Valley YMCA For more lnlorrnat,on, call 291-6480,

Annicharico right on rec;;ord passing pace By Larry Weinbaum The Times-Advocate P omore quarterback Trent Annich rtco th former Ramona High School standout, and c~rrent- ly playing at San Diego Mesa Junior College is the hottest JC gunslinger In the state. ' In Mesa's record to 3-0 this season with last Saturday's 3ti-20 win over Grossmont, Anni- charlco stayed on a pace which projected over the entire season wouid shatter both the state single- season and career yardage records set last year by El Camino's Tim Green, currently the second- string QB at use. Green, who backs up former Orange Glen star Sean Salisbury at USC, broke the records of Mesa's first All-America quarterback Steve Fairchild In 1977. Fairchild is now Mesa's QB coach. Against Grossmont, Annlcharico completed 17 Passes ot 40 passes for 297 yards and three touch- downs. He suffered two Interceptions. On the season, the slender, soft-spoken right- hander has thrown for 1,019 yards on 63-of-114 pass- Ing (55.3 percent), 10 TDs and just 3 Interceptions. The 35-20 win was easy for Mesa. The Olympians led 3ti-7 before surrending a pair of TDs to the Grif- fins. • In the state pass-receiving department Palo- mar College's Lato Malauulu and Mesa's R~nald Rowe continue to run first and second In the rank- ings. Malauuiu, who nabbed eight balls worth 90 yards 1n last Saturday's 20-10 Comets loss at Hancock now leads Ca!Uornia JCs with 28 receptions for 333 yards and 2 TDs. Rowe also ce.ught 8 passes last weekend worth 140 yards. On the season, Rowe now totals'23 catches for 418 yards and 6 TDs. The official California Community Top 10 Foot- ball ratings just released by the JC Athletic Bureau 1n San Mateo shows Taft (3-0) as the No 1 team Nos. 2 through 10 Include: Fullerton (3-0.) De ~a (3-0), CC San Francisco (3-0) , Saddleback (3-0), San Diego Mesa (3-0), El Camino (3-0), Santa Bar- bara (3-0), Pasadena CC (2-1) and Sacramento cc (2-1). ' Southwestern College (3-0l is rated 12th. • San Diegv State·s basketball team has added a Dec. 27 Sports Arena home game to Its 1983·84 scheduie. Oral Roberts University is the new oppo- nent, making a total of 16 home dates for-SDSU this season. ORU Coach Dick Acres has two starters and four lettermen returning from last year's 14-14 club led by star Mark Acres_ • San Diego State baseball player Kent Torve earned top honors at the local Olympic baseball tryouts held Sept. 24. Torve graded the highest overall and will join the top players from 66 other district tryouts at the fi- nal selection trials to determine the members of the 1984 U.S. Olympic team. That final tryout camp Is In Louisville on Oct. 22 and 23. Torve, a junior, who played both third and first base for the Aztecs the past two seasons, has appeared In 122 games, and holds a two-year ca- reer .315 batting average. In addition to Torve, the Nos. 2 through 4 rated players will be kept 1n a pool, and may be called to join the team at a later date. Those three other rated players in order: pitcher Tom Seyler from USO; catcher John Carlson from SDSU and Mesa outfielder Frank Klopp, formerly of Ramona High School. • On the women's side on Montezuma Mesa, the SDSU vollyball team improved to 18-4 overall and 3-1 In WCAA play with a pair of wins last week at Arizona State and Arizona. The Aztecs, coached by Rudy Suwara and cap- tained by former San Pasqual three-sport letter- man Sue Hegerle, defeated the Sun Devils In Tempe, 9-15, 15-12, 15-7 and 15-12 on Sept. 29. SDSU then beat the Wildcats in Tucson the fol- lowing night by scores of 5-15, 15-11, 15-7, 9-15 and 15-11. The victories improved the Aztecs, the defending WCAA champs, to No. 10 in the NCAA Poll and No. 7 In the Tachlkara Coaches Poll. The University of Hawaii women's volleyball team Is currently No. 1 in both polls. • When the NBA Clippers meet the Utah Jazz in an exhibition game Sunday at the USO Sports Cen- ter, an proceeds from ticket sales will go into the USD Athletic Dept. Tickets are $4 and may be obtained through the USO box office by contacting Betty Murphy at 293- 4551 or Ted Gosen in the Sports Information Dept. at 291-6480, ext. 4272.



OCT 5 l98J ~ZEL crow




U D - U111 vcrsit r of San Diego Founders' Cal- lery pn:serm " lkasts," and cxh,bnion of ammals m rnnous art forms through , o v 11. 266 DeSalcs I fall, ,\lrnla Park, San D,ei:o 291 -64 0.

Reservations avi· reached the halfway mark for the University of San Diego Auxiliary's 27th annual fash10n show and luncheon Oct. 31 at the San Diego Hilton. Attendance will be limited to 600, according to reservations chairman Mrs. Edward T. Keating. Tickets are being issued to individuals and table patrons and proceeds will go the the USD student financial aid program. Mrs. William Edwards Jr. is chairman of the event which has "Masquerade" as its theme in honor of the Halloween date.




D"UPOATE"BUSINESSSEMINARSERIES - Oct 7, " Pcrsono l IJec, 10 11 Stvlcs", Oct. 14, uPosmvc h .•cdhack and EnhJnct-d Productivity", O rt. 21, " Dcvclopmj! Su,cc· ful Managers", Oct. 28. "Cons1rucuvc D1,c1pl111c", Nov 4. " P rcp1.mng- IOday for l'omorrow - a Look ar Mcs:aircnd," 291 -6'½80, c,1. 4296





Breakfast • seminars at USD Developing com- municative sk ils to enhance bJs.ness pro- vides tt e fows for two lectures F a y in the se- cond wtek of UPDATE breakf.. t :nin rs spon- sored by tt Un versity of San Diego Dr. Cyritlua Pavett, assoc1 te pro essor of Organl.lational Behavior, will present "Pos1tne Feedback and Enh need ProdJctivity" at the University Club, 1333 7th Ave_ fhe lec- ture will prov,de str t ·gi for usmg perforrr .:ince-related feed bad to~. ;:;:,O,:;:,bu.i,..,_ meaningftJr e u ts. t the- La JG! V1Jla 0 In!l, Ir ·• ate at La Jolla Vtllare r , Phillip L Hunsaker, profes o• of manage- ert, will .:xp ain the relat onsh ;, between "Perso!!al Decision Style and M n gerial Effec,uver ess." Both serrmars run from 7:30 to 9 a. m. Smgle seSS1on admission 1~ $20; series dm1ss1on is $120 Advanced reg1stra- t10n may be obtamed by c ~ ntact1ng Penny ~avarro at 293-4585.

French consul gives talk at USD 1''ranco1 .'11outon, Consul General of France at fic1al contact with the San Diego French- Los ngele , will address the San Diego Chapter speaking community since his appointment as of thf' Alliance Francabc Saturday, Oct. 15 at 2 Consul General. His lecture will be delivered in p.m. t the Hahn School of Nursing, University of French. San Diego. Alliance Francaise is a non-profit organization .\fouton will lecture on "The Continuing dedicated to the promotion of French language Dialo ue between France and the United and culture. Annual membership is $15 per per- States. ' son. Admission to lectures is free for members, This program rcpre ents Mouton's first of- $3.50 for non-members, $2 for students. ::.:......__:.__~ ___ __;____;__.:___:._.--....._...:.,;__ ____



ocr 6

1981 "Airline Deregulation at Work," Dan McKinnon, chamnan of the U.S. Civil Aeronautics Board, will discuss recent airline bankruptcies and the effect on union contracts, Monday, October 10, 12:30 p.m., Grace Courtroom, USO Law School, Alcala Gardens, Lmda Vista Road, Linda Vista. Free. 291-6480.

"Two Special Win SC'mmars With Dan Berger'' will be held at the University of San Diego. "Varietal Break- down" will be pr ented on cons\)Cuttve Tue day even- ings, through Oct. 25. "Super Premium Win ' will be held Wednesday evenings, Nov. 2 through Nov ~- Regis- tration for each full series is $60 or $20 per . on. The seminars are held at 6:30 p.m. m the DcSal all Bo~rd Room and are sponsored by USO Contrnwng Education For information and reservation . call 293-4585. • • •





V McKinnon discusses airline strike at USD Continental Airlines' recent decision to file a bankruptcy notice in an eff~rt to dissolve its employees' union contracts raises questions about the impact of deregulation on the airline industry. On Oct. 10, Dan McKinnon, chairman of the U.S. Civil Aeronautics Board, will address the Continental situation in a lecture at the Universi- • ty of San Diego School of Law. The lecture, "Airline Deregulation at Work," will be held in- side Grace Courtroom, third level, at 12:30 p.m. and is free to the pubhc. McKinnon, a native San Dicgan and owner of radio station KSON AM-FM, was appointed to his government post by President Reagan. For more information, call Bill Becker at 291-6480.

Two Update breakfast lectures have been chcduled from 7:30 to 9 n.m. Oct. 14 by the University of San Diego, Dr. Cynthia Pavett will d' cu "P 1tive F cdback and Enhanced Productivity" m a ion at the Umver ity Club_ Ph hp L. Hunsaker will explain the relation h!P betw en "Personal Dec1Sion Styles and Managerial Elf ctlvenc- " t the I.a Jolla Vlll ge Inn Admwion will be $20 for 1th r I ture,

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