Stacole Craft Spirits Book

Mezcal / Sotol

Special Editions...with aCause All of the special editions fromMezcales de Leyenda have a special social cause. Some proceeds are donated to the cause of the expression. Grandes Leyendas – Sierra Madre Occidental 94pf Mezcales de Leyenda presentes ‘Grandes Leyendas’, the first edition of our exclusive series, which purpose functions to recognize great master mezcaleros over the age of 70, as a living homage of their impressive work effort throughout their life. In this occasion, we celebrate the beloved master Don Anastacio, who painstakingly produces this splendid ancestral mezcal. #948912 / 750ml / $189.99 / LIMITED - 789 bottles 100% maguey papalote/Agave cupreata —Agave cupreata, grows wild in the low deciduous forest in northern Guerrero Cementerio Mezcalero – Tzitzio, Michoacán 96pf ‘Cementerio Mezcalero’ (Mezcal Graveyard), a collection of mezcales aged in glass that honors an old tradition often related to small comunities, in which some of the best ’mezcales’ are aged in glass containers, generally underground, to be latter unearthed for family celebrations such as birthdays, weddings, and baptisms. #474842 / 750ml / $214.99 / LIMITED - 435 bottles 100% maguey / Agave Americana sahuayensis - Agave americana sahuayensis grows in western Michoacán, close to Jiquilpan and Sahuayo. Aged in glass. Reservas de la Biósfera – Tehuacán, Puebla 94pf Mezcales de Leyenda presents ‘Reservas de la Biósfera’, the first edition in our collection dedicated to most important national parks in Mexico. We begin this series with a special mezcal from the reserve: Tehuacán- Cuicatlán, at the southern limits of Puebla with Oaxaca in the largest cactus reserve in the world. #325467 / 750ml / $259.99 / LIMITED - 555 bottles Ensamble of maguey/Agave marmorata & macrocantha —Agave marmorata for the majority and agave macrocantha, also known as espadilla Mezcales Únicos – Tamaulipas and Nuevo Leon 90pf Mezcales de Leyenda presents the first limited release in the series: ‘Mezcales Únicos’, with the purpose to offer the collectors or agave lovers, the opportunity to appreciate for the first time, an agave that had never been distilled before. #683374 / 1.0L / $399.99 / LIMITED - 369 bottles To initiate this innovative series, we picked the stunning Agave montana, which grows wild in a hidden valley in the Sierra Madre Oriental in Tamaulipas. The result is a surprisingly wild and unique mezcal. 100% maguey/agave montana

MEZCALES DE LEYENDA MEXICO Double Distilled in copper pots Puebla – S.N. Huajuapan, Puebla 96pf #426084 / 750ml / $69.99

“ ...Themost complete selection of mezcales fromdiverse regions of Mexico.... ” — MEZCALESDELEYENDA.COM Sustainable harvested agave from northern valleys of Puebla. This agave potatorum, commonly known as Tobalá is called Cenizo in Puebla. This is the largest field of sustainably cultivated maguey tobalá in Mexico, in large part thanks to the vision of the Alva family. San Luis Potosi – Santa Isabel, San Luis Potosí 84pf #667143 / 750ml / $65.99 In this rocky and arid lands, few agaves can grow as well as the salmiana. Commonly known as verde, this wild agave endemic to the San Luis Potosi central plateau has one of the most unique flavor profiles of any agave. Guerrero – Mazatlán, Guerrero 90pf #221734 / 750ml / $66.67 This wild agave Cupreata, known as Papalote or Ancho, grows wild below the deciduous forest and oak trees. We sustainably harvest these wild magueyes with pride. Oaxaca – San Juan del Rio, Oaxaca 84pf #343146 / 750ml / $51.99 This sustainably harvested agave Angustifolia, commonly known as maguey Espadín, is all estate grown in the central valleys of Oaxaca in San Juan del Rio. Durango – Nombre de Dios, Durango 94pf #361599 / 750ml / $72.99 Wild durangensis agave, know locally as agave cenizo, grows in the high plateau of Durango. With almost desert like conditions growing amongst lava rocks, the terroir gives this large agave unique and complex characteristics.



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