October 2017 Catalogue for Lufthansa


Hilton Hotels

CNBC looks at how Hilton Hotels is using technology to generate loyalty and hopefully, a bigger slice of the multi trillion dollar travel and tourism business .


From the world’s biggest bank, to the poster child of the financial crisis . RBS’ CMO , David Wheldon, reveals how marketers can help restore trust.

Cannes Special

CNBC heads to the Cote d’Azur bringing you the highlights of this year’s Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity .


Heineken now wants to refresh new markets with the launch of 0.0% - an alcohol free version. Carolin Roth talks to Jan Derck van Karnebeek about marketing the brand in a highly competitive beverage industry .

Manchester City Football Club

Football is a huge money spinner, thanks in part to sponsorship . As Carolin Roth discovers, changing the sponsorship model is more than just splashing a logo on the players’ shirts.


The most widely accepted payment card on the planet, but Raja Rajamannar says it’s a technology company rather than a credit card company. We look at how Mastercard’s marketing muscle keeps it on top.

Davos Special: Masters of Marketing Panel Debate

Does being seen at Davos make any difference in an interconnected world?

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