1900 Harry Johnsons Bartenders Manual (Mixellany)

— 268 — HIGH LIFE. (Use a large bar glass.)

1 or 2 dashes of lemon juice; 2 or 3 pieces of crystal ice; 1 pony glass of brandy (Martell); i spoonful of sugar, fill up glass with club soda and serve.

WIDOW'S KISS. (Use a medium size wine glass.)

1 yolk of a fresh e^g; Vs glass of maraschino; 1 / 3 glass of green chartreuse; 1 / 3 glass of benedictine, and serve.

TURF COCKTAIL. (Use a large bar glass.)

f full of fine shaved ice; 2 or 3 dashes of orange bitters; 2 or 3 dashes of maraschino; 2 dashes of absinthe; i wine glass of French vermouth; \ wine glass of Plymouth gin;

Stir up well with a spoon, strain into a cocktail glass, putting in a medium size olive; and serve.

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