Alcalá 1987


in combined chapter G.P.A. for the last two years. Sigma Chi supports the Associated Students social programs. For the secondyear theSigma Chi Float was awarded top prizein the Homecoming Float competition. Social events sponsored by Sigma Chi were memorable indeed as the incredible Halloween partywith the Un­ touchables, the Palm Springs Weekender, and the Sweet­ heart Ball. Sigma Chi's third annual Derby Days event was a huge success and raised money for our nationalcharity, the Cleo Wallace Center for Children. Special mentiongoes toour wonderful Little Sisters who worked so hardfor the frater­ nity's success.

The Theta LambdaChapter of Sigma Chi Fraternityat the University of San Diego was established May 20, 1984. It is the 188th chapter of the in­ ternational fraternity and one of three social fraternities presently on campus. It is the intent of the chapter to enrich the collegeexperience at USD by providing opportunities for personal development and lifelong bonds of true brother­ hood. Currently in its fourth year on the USD campus, the Chapter has become an in­ tegral part of USD. In these past years we have placed emphasis on leadership, s c h o l a r s h i p , f r i e n d s h i p , brotherhood, social events, and athletics. Sigma Chi has been the leader among the fraternities

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