Alcalá 1987
Do yourecall all those times you gothungry when pulling an all-nighter? Andwheredidyouendupgoingonce you wokeup your friends and made them come along for the ride? Well, Roberto's seems to be one of the most popular eating holes. No matter what time of the day or night it s, many USD students willbe found at thecounter trying to give their ordersto people who usually give youa questioning look as to what you are attempting torder. After all the trials and tribulations of ordering are done with, and you finally receive your authentic Mexican food, you know it was worth the wait. NYPD pizza is another favorite on our campus. Their free delivery is quick and cheap. A lot of the students whodo not have cars or are just too lazy togodownandpick up their pizza, take advantageof their service. But forthose who wanta study break and to procrastinate a little longer, NYPD is right at the bottom of the hill on Friar'sRoad. I know we all havexperienced those times of stress when everywhere we go there is noise. We cannot escape it, so we head to one of the most known restaurant chains throughout California: Denny's. Therewe can get anything from coffee to dinner andnot feel badly about taking up abooth for three or four hours. It is not possible to fall asleep there because of the constant amusement of the people around you. The food is adequate and the change ofatmosphere isa good way to relax and get away from the burdens of everything. The Yogurt Cupis about fiveminutes awayand is thespot to go on those 90 degreedays when your dorm is like a furnace. The flavors change daily and there isan assortment oftoppings to choose from. The short drive is worth it and the yogurt is deli cious! Do you ever feel like you have to study, but you simply can't get motivated? If you areever inthis kind of mood,go down to the Mission Crossroads. There it is possible to looklike you are studying, but with all the people going in and out, you spend well over half yourtime talking to aquaintances.
There is only oneway to eat a taco neatly
Roberto's is always readyand waiting for an onslaught of late-nighters
24 Student Life
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