Alcalá 1987
AND OLD ACE The USD Theatre Arts Department pre sented itsfirst play of the 1986-87 season, a well known three act playby Joseph Kessel- r i ng , "Ar sen i c and Ol d Lace" . Itwas performed in Camino Theatre on November 13-16and directed by Pam Connolly. The setting of the play is the living room of theBrewster home inBrooklyn. The time is1941. Two elderly sister, Abby andMartha Brewster, have ahabit of poisoning lonely, oldmen to death and consider it a service to their un suspecting victims. Also living at theBrewster Boarding House is Teddy Brewster, Abby and Martha's brother, who thinks he is Teddy Roosevelt. Returning home is a nephew, Mortimer Brewster, who is an escaped murderer froma mental institution.Hisbrother Jonathan Brewster, who is a drama critic, appears tobe theonly normal one of the family.
On opening night Rev. Harperand Teddy get the finishing touches put ontheir makeup, while Dr.Einstein, Mortimer, Martha andAbby are in full costume and readyto go.
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