Costs of a waterjet cutting machine


The cutting table forms the foundation for your cutting. It is where the material is placed and where the whole cutting process takes place. It is important to pay attention to how the table integrates to your production process (for loading and unloading the machine). The length and width of the table are drivers of the cost for the table.


The cutting head is one of the most important parts of a waterjet machine, the head is the part that guides the cutting process. The high-pressure water from the pump is mixed with abrasive and pushed out through the nozzle. When one requires a Z-axis for bevel cutting, costs for the cutting head are different than for simple X-Y movements that are directed by the bridge. The number of heads on the bridge also influences the investment but can increase the output quantity significantly.


The bridge creates the link between the table and the cutting head(s). It provides the basic X-Y movements of the cutting head to cut basic shapes. When looking at the drive technology of the bridge, one should be aware that it can have an impact on operational costs. For instance, linear drive technology is known to reduce maintenance costs on the bridge.


The high pressure pump is the heart of any waterjet cutting machine, the cutting process is made possible by pressurizing water to a high pressure which is accomplished by the pumps. The price of the installation may vary depending on how many pumps are needed for the requirements of the project.


The control panel is a central element of the user experience of the machine. This is where the operator controls the process, he can choose when to start and end it or make small adjustments if necessary (from the import of the CAD/CAM software). For the control panel, it is important that it is integrated into your workflow and that it provides a comfortable working height for your operator.




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