SES Complaint e-Book

Note: This step validates the due dates entered for the IRs you selected to send to the company are in the future.

5. Enter comments to company (if applicable), upload necessary documents, and select whether you would like to be notified when the company responds to the IRs.

Note: The initial set of IRs accompany the complaint when it is first sent to the company. It is important that the company has been onboarded prior to sending the IRs so they are prepared to begin using the system. If the company has not completed the onboarding process, the system will prevent you from sending the IRs. The documents uploaded at this stage of the information request process are expected to be introductory documents that might help to explain the information request. Do not upload specific forms to be completed here.

6. Click Send Information Requests .

7. Click Confirm .

Need more help? Contact the Regulatory User Group at 1-800-699-0911 or by email at

Updated: 6/25/2020

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