SES Complaint e-Book

Accepting or Rejecting a Complaint Referral Introduction After working a complaint, another agency may refer a complaint to yours (e.g., the consumer submitted the complaint to the wrong regulatory agency). A complaint can only be referred to your agency prior to information requests being sent to the company or prior to closing the complaint if no information request is sent. Your agency can review the referral and choose to either accept or reject it.

Note: All users assigned to the Complaints group in SES can accept or reject a complaint referral.

Accepting or Rejecting a Complaint Referral 1. Click the Complaint ID hyperlink for the desired referral on the homepage.

Note: This home page will only display the five most recent referrals. The other way to get to a referral is to open it via the Complaints menu at the top of the screen. If the complaint record has an open referral, the status reflects "Referral in Progress" and the task is available to all complaints users on the Summary page for that complaint record.

2. Click the View Details icon in the Referral Details section at the bottom of the page.

Updated: 6/25/2020

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