Senior Resources 2020 Southeast Directory



Who can be a Member of Partnership? Partnersh ipis for people wh o need h elpwith th eir h ealth , med- ical and long -term care needs and wh oare: • Frail adu lts, ag e 6 5 or older • 1 8 or older with a ph ysical or intellectu al/dev elopmental disability Indiv idu als mu st alsomeet th ese requ irements: • Income • Fu nctional • Residency– Partnersh ipis offered incertaincou nties in Wisconsin. Indiv idu als mu st liv e inone of th ese cou nties How do I Become a Member of These Programs? Th e Ag ing and Disability Resou rce Center (ADRC) in you r cou ntywill h elpyou u nder- stand you r options along with income and oth er requ irements, and determine if you qu alifyfor FamilyCare, Partnersh ipor anoth er prog ram. Tolearnmore abou t ADRCs and locate one in you r cou nty, v isit: www.dh s.wis- consin.g ov /adrc/ Article provided by Care Wisconsin,

amilyCare and Partnersh ip are prog rams th at h elpfrail seniors and adu lts with disabili- ties manag e h ealth and long -term care needs. Partnersh ipalsopro- v ides assistance with medical needs. Here’s more informationabou t th ese prog rams. Family Care FamilyCare h elps you coordi- nate you r long -term care needs. All FamilyCare members are part of a care team. You r care team inclu des you , a care manag - er and a reg istered nu rse. • Tog eth er you will discu ss wh at you r g oals are, assess you r abilities and needs, and name you r ou tcomes. • Th e team creates a planju st for you tosu pport you r long - term care needs. • Th e planinclu des items inth e FamilyCare benefit planplu s oth er natu ral su pports th at will h elpyou ach iev e you r ou tcomes. • Th e care manag er and reg is- tered nu rse stayincontact with you toensu re all parts of th e care planare work ing well, and mak e ch ang es if necessary. Who can be a Member of Family Care? FamilyCare is for people wh o need h elpwith long -term care and wh oare: • Frail adu lts, ag e 6 5 or older • 1 8 or older with ph ysical dis- abilities • 1 8 or older with intellectu al disabilities

Individuals must also meet these requirements: • Income • Fu nctional •Residency– FamilyCare is offered incertaincou nties in Wisconsin. Indiv idu als mu st liv e inone of th ese cou nties Partnership Partnersh iph elps you coordi- nate you r h ealth , medical and long -term care needs. All Partnersh ipmembers are part of a care team. • Tog eth er you will discu ss you r g oals, assess you r abil- ities and needs, and name you r ou tcomes. • Th e team creates a planju st for you tosu pport you r h ealth , medical, and long - term care needs. • Th e planinclu des items in th e Partnersh ipbenefit plan plu s oth er natu ral su pports th at will h elpyou ach iev e you r ou tcomes. • Th e care team work s with you tocoordinate all cov - ered h ealth serv ices. Th is means th eywill ch eck with you r prov iders tosee h ow care is g oing and h elpman- ag e special serv ices su ch as X-rays, tests, and anyfol- low-u pcare.

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