Senior Resources 2020 Southeast Directory


W hAT I S h oSPIcE c ARE ?

he term “hospice” (from the word “hospitality”) can be traced back to medieval times when it referred to a place of shelter for weary or ill travel- ers on a long journey. The name was first applied to spe- cialized care for dying patients in 1967 by London physician dame cicely Saunders. hospice came to the united States in 1974. hospice care focuses on bringing comfort to the ill per- son and giving support to the family. It is not a place, but a philosophy of care when a cure is no longer possible. To qualify for hospice, a patient must be diagnosed with a life-limiting illness and have a life expectancy of six months or less. of course, no one can determine for certain when life will end. Therefore, hospice services can be extended if the appropriate criteria are met and certified by a physician. hospice care and services are provided in family homes, hospitals, skilled nursing facil- ities and assisted living facili- ties. hospice is well-known for caring for people who have cancer, but is also appropriate for those who have end stage Alzheimer’s, heart disease, lung disease and other life- limiting illnesses. Residential hospice care is another option when a person requires 24/7 care or adequate

dying and facilitate difficult conversations about final wishes. Similar to medieval days, the goal of today’s hospice is to be the safe haven for those traveling life’s final journey. We’re all going to die some day; and with hospice every individual can do so with dig- nity, free of pain, and comfort- able in the knowledge that we and our loved ones will get expert medical care and com- passionate support we need. Article submitted by Rita Hagen RN, MSN, Executive Director Hospice Alliance, Inc

care-giving resources aren’t available in the home. This could be for a variety rea- sons, including: • Patient’s home caregiver is frail or has health issues • Spouse must continue to work, so cannot be at home • Patient lives alone and does not have caregivers • Patient’s family lives too far away to provide daily support Each patient is eligible to receive hospice services pro- vided by a team of profes- sionals. The hospice team consists of the patient’s per- sonal physician, a hospice medical director, registered nurse/team manager, certi- fied nurse aides, medical social worker, chaplain/spir- itual counselor, bereavement counselor and specially trained volunteers. The hospice team meets with the patient and family or caregivers to explain the services available. For exam- ple, a hospice nurse aide can help with personal needs, such as bathing. A medical social worker may help peo- ple deal with fears about

Community owned, nonprofit, providing care for nearly 40 years Hospice care rated outstanding or excellent by physicians Partners with major healthcare systems and hospitals Medical directors certified in hospice & palliative care Innovative therapies including Benevolent Touch, Pet Therapy, Music Therapy and Aromatherapy Joint Commission Accredited in Hospice Care and Certified in Community Based Palliative Care Proud Partner of We Honor Veterans Toll Free: 1-800-830-8344

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