Word 2016 Intermediate/Advanced

Lesson 7 – Working with Comments and Revisions

Word 2016

Insert a comment.

If necessary, switch to Print Layout view (select this from the Document Views group on the View tab).

Practice Data


Drag to select the third paragraph under the Sporting Equipment heading

1. Select the text to which you want to attach a comment. The text is selected.

2. Select the Review tab. The Review tab appears.


3. Select the New Comment button in the Comments group. A new balloon appears in the Markup Area and comment marks surround the selected text.


Type Include more about our exercise equipment offerings Click anywhere outside the markup balloon

4. Enter the desired comment.

The comment text appears in the markup balloon.

5. Click anywhere outside the markup balloon. The insertion point appears in the document text.

Practice the Concept: Select the View menu and click the Draft button in the Document Views group. Notice the reviewer’s initials are displayed beside each comment mark. Hover the mouse pointer between any of the comment marks and observe the ScreenTip that displays the comment. Click the Print Layout button in the Document Views group to return to Print Layout view.


If a document contains comments made by several different reviewers, view all the markup balloons, or only the balloons of selected reviewers, identified by their user names. Word derives the user’s name from the User Name field in the General section of the Word Options dialog box.

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