Word 2016 Intermediate/Advanced

Lesson 1 – Indenting Paragraphs

Word 2016

C REATING A H ANGING I NDENT  D ISCUSSION You can indent all the lines of a paragraph except the first line. This type of indent is known as a hanging indent. A hanging indent is often used for lists or bibliographic references.

Create hanging indent

NOTE You can also use the Paragraph dialog box to create a hanging indent. Select Hanging from the Special list and enter the amount of the indent in the By spin box. Be careful to drag only the triangular Hanging Indent marker. If you drag the Left Indent marker (bottom square), the First Line Indent marker will move as well.


1. Select the View tab and, in the Show group, select Ruler to display the rulers. 2. Select the paragraphs you want to indent. 3. Drag the Hanging Indent marker on the horizontal ruler to the desired position.

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