2021 Textbook Catalogue




Psychiatry & Behavioural Science

BRS Behavioral Science 8th Edition Barbara Fadem 978-1-9751-5239-0 / 384 pp / March 2020

Pediatric Physical Therapy 5th Edition Jan Tecklin 978-1-4511-7345-1 / 768 pp / 217 illus / April 2014


Offering current coverage of behavioral science, psychiatry, epidemiology, and related topics, BRS Behavioral Science , Eighth Edition, prepares students to rapidly recall key information on the mind-body relationship and confidently apply that knowledge on exams and in practice. The popular BRS format presents essential information in a succinct, streamlined approach preferred by today’s busy students, accompanied by hundreds of USMLE-style review questions with detailed answers and explanations to help strengthen students’ exam readiness. This updated edition equips students with the latest clinical findings and perspectives in areas they’ll likely encounter on their exams, including up- to-date information on newly FDA-approved psychopharmacology agents, implications of the Affordable Care Act and other healthcare legislation, current neuroimaging techniques, newly identified substances of abuse, and contemporary examples of vital statistics such as birth rate, infant mortality rate, and more. Kaplan and Sadock’s Concise Textbook of Clinical Psychiatry 4th Edition Benjamin Sadock, Virginia Sadock and Pedro Ruiz 978-1-4963-4525-7 / 1000 pp / January 2017 Compact and easy to use, Kaplan & Sadock’s Concise Textbook of Clinical Psychiatry , 4th Edition is an authoritative, affordable text that provides must-know information in clinical psychiatry. It offers step-by-step guidance on the clinical examination, the psychiatric report, medical assessment of the psychiatric patient, laboratory tests, and signs and symptoms, as well as all psychiatric and substance-related disorders, with special chapters on children, adolescents, and the elderly.

Tecklin’s Pediatric Physical Therapy 6th Edition Elena McKeough Spearing & Eric S. Pelletier 978-1-9751-4211-7 / 904 pp / June 2021


Trusted for decades by Physical Therapy students as well as experienced therapists who want to improve their knowledge, Tecklin’s Pediatric Physical Therapy provides a comprehensive and logical overview of some of the most common pediatric physical therapy diagnoses. This straightforward approach presents basic medical information regarding common clinical diagnostic categories followed by coverage of physical therapy examination, intervention and special considerations within each diagnostic group. Content in this 6th Edition has been thoroughly updated and reorganized to help prepare students for today’s clinical challenges, accompanied by case studies and interactive features that reinforce understanding and instill the clinical decision-making skills essential to successful practice.

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