The Gazette 1930-33


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Vol. XXVI, No. 8]




MR. LEWIS GOODBODY, Solicitor, died on the 8th January, 1933, at his residence, Drayton Villa, Clara. Mr. Goodbody was admitted in Hilary Sittings, 1891, and practised at Tullamore, and at 24 Dame Street, Dublin, as a member of the firm of A. and L. Goodbody. APPOINTMENTS. Mr. Patrick J. Ruttledge, T.D., Solicitor, Ballina, Count}7 Mayo, has been appointed Minister for Justice. Mr. Ruttledge was admitted a Solicitor in Trinity Sittings, 1918. He was Auditor of the Solicitors' Apprentices Debating Society in 1916-17. __ Mr. William E. Orr, Solicitor, Omagh, has been appointed Clerk of the Crown and Peace for County Tyrone. COSTS OF LEASES. At a special General Meeting of the English Law Society held on 27th January, 1933, the following resolution was passed after discussion : " That the Council be requested to take early action with regard to the incidence of the costs of a lease, so that instead of both lessor's and lessee's costs of a lease falling on the lessee in accord– ance with the present practice and custom, each party shall bear their own costs.

12th January. Extra-Ordinary Members.

The following, whose names were sub– mitted by the Incorporated Law Society of Northern Ireland, were elected to serve as Extra-Ordinary Members of the Council: Mr. James C. Taylor (President), Mr. R. Baillie, Mr. R. J. Dickson, Mr. William C. Gage, and Mr. John G. H. Wilson. Circuit Courts. The Secretary submitted replies received from Free State County Registrars to letter of enquiry, written by direction of the Council, asking the number of arrears of cases awaiting hearing at the end of the most recent sitting of the Circuit Court. Twenty-two replies were received. From these it appeared that in thirteen counties there were no arrears, other than cases adjourned at the request of parties concerned. OBITUARY. MR. ALFRED W. GLOVER, Solicitor, died on the 2nd January, 1933, at his residence, 13 Crosthwaite Park, Dun Laoghaire. Mr. Glover was admitted in Michaelmas Sittings, 1887, and practised at 20 Wicklow Street, Dublin.

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