The Gazette 1930-33

The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society or Ireland.

MARCH, 1931]


MR. STEPHEN J. BROWN, Solicitor, died upon the 24th February, 1931, at his residence, Ard Caein, Naas, Co. Kildare. Mr. Brown served his apprenticeship with the late Mr. J. Meredith, Naas ; was admitted in Easter Term, 1875, and practised as a member of the firm of Brown & McCann, 23 at Anglesea Street, Dublin and Naas. He was a member of the Council of the Society from 1898 to 1911, and filled the office of Vice-President in 1903-4. MR. FRANCIS R. RONAYNE, Solicitor, died upon the 27th February, 1931, at his residence, Ardsallagh House, Youghal. Mr. Ronayne served his apprenticeship with the late Mr. \Villiam Hodnett, Youghal; was admitted in Hilary Sittings, 1894, and practised at Youghal up to 1901, when he retired to take up the office of Clerk to Youghal Board of Guardians, and later, Clerk of No. 1 and 2 Rural District Councils. LORD GLENAVY. The death of the Right Hon. Lord Glenavy took place on the 22nd March at his residence, Glenavy, Milltown, Co. Dublin. Mr. James Henry Mussen Campbell was called to the Irish Bar in 1878, and in 1892 was called to the Inner Bar. In 1901 he be– came Solicitor-General, and from 4th to 22nd December, 1905, he was Attorney-General. In April, 1916, he again became Attorney- General, and in the following December he was appointed Lord Chief Justice of Ireland and a Baronetcy was conferred upon him. In June, 1918, he was appointed Lord Chancellor of Ireland, and on his relinquish– ing that office in 1921 he was created a Peer by the name of Baron Glenavy of Milltown, County Dublin. During his practice at the Bar the Council of this Society from time to time obtained the opinion and advice of Mr. Campbell on matters affecting the interests of the solicitors' profession. APPOINTMENTS. Mr. Michael Dawson, Solicitor, of the firm of Messrs. Peart and Dawson, 55 Dawson

St., Dublin, has been appointed an Examiner of Titles in the Irish Land Commission.

Mr. Joseph McHenry, Solicitor, has been appointed Chief Clerk in the Central Office of the Land Registry of Northern Ireland.

NEW MEMBERS. The following have joined the Society :

Bernard Bernstein, 69-70 Dame Street, Dublin. Isadore V. Elyan, 77 Dame Street, Dublin. James F. Raymond, Listowel. Circuit Court of Dublin. The County Registrar requests that when a case is settled an intimation to that effect will be sent to him by the Solicitors of the respective parties, so that the case may be taken out of the list of cases awaiting hearing. THE SOCIETY'S CALENDAR, 1931. The Calendar and Law Directory of the Society for 1931 can be obtained at the Secretary's Office, 45 Kildare Street, Dublin. Price five shillings ; by post, five shillings and sixpence. APRIL EXAMINATIONS, 1931. The Final Examination will be held on the 14th and 15th days of April. The Preliminary Examination will be held on the 20th and 21st days of April. EASTER SITTINGS LECTURES. Easter Sittings Senior Lectures begin on Tuesday, 14th April. Easter Sittings Junior Lectures begin on Wednesday, 15th April. ALL communications connected with THE GAZETTE (other than advertisements) should be addressed to the Secretary of the Society, 45 Kildare Street, Dublin, C.I7

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