New-Tech Magazine | September 2016 | Digital edition

Linear Technology (Israel) Ltd. Ran Shipperman 054-9901021 www. l 0)9(90,: -69 4<3;073, 3(5.<(.,: <33 (**,:: ;6 @6<9 +,=0*,: <:05. $ 6 ! and IPSO data model. Sensing control logic may run anywhere, -964 @6<9 36*(3 5,;>692 ;6 ;/, 36<+ Rich APIs for the Programming Language of Your Choice ies stom sensing and r your business? oring œÛiÀʅÕ}iÊ ating for up le battery. Animal Farming Ê 1«Ê̜ʣäÊÞi>ÀÊL>ÌÌiÀÞʏˆvi UÊ -/‡ViÀ̈wi`Ê£Ón‡LˆÌÊ -Êi˜VÀޫ̈œ˜ UÊ ÝÌi˜ÃˆLi]ÊÃiv‡…i>ˆ˜}ʓiÅ UÊ -Ì>˜`>À`ÇL>Ãi`\ÊÓ°{ âÊ ÊnäÓ°£x°{i] Ê È/ˆ- Ê>˜`ÊÈ œ7* 0)9(90,: -69 4<3;073, 3(5.<(.,: <33 (**,:: ;6 @6<9 +,=0*,: <:05. $ 6 ! and IPSO data model. Sensing control logic may run anywhere, -964 @6<9 36*(3 5,;>692 ;6 ;/, 36<+ Rich APIs for the Programming Language of Your Choice 0)9(90,: -69 4<3;073, 3(5.<(.,: <33 (**,:: ;6 @6<9 +,=0*,: <:05. $ 6 ! and IPSO data model. Sensing control logic may run anywhere, -964 @6<9 36*(3 5,;>692 ;6 ;/, 36<+ ich APIs for the Programming Language of Your Choice PnP mesh iÝÌÀi“iÞÊ iʓiÃ…Ê l time g. The es an sh that , while single /LQHDU 7HFKQRORJ\ 6PDUW0HVK ,3 :LUHOHVV 1HWZRUN UÊ €™™°™™™¯Ê˜iÌܜÀŽÊÀiˆ>LˆˆÌÞ UÊ 1ÌÀ>‡œÜÊ«œÜiÀÊVœ˜ÃՓ«Ìˆœ˜\ÊÊ QLWRULQJ mical pipelines, Phone: 09-7780280 Koby Galberg: 054-5206351 Meir Mardechayev: 054-5206334 True Plug-and-Play sensor integration <;64(;0* +,=0*, +90=,9 05:;(33(;065 Open integration with all sensor types: 5(36. % "$ #! ,;* =,9 ,?0:;05. :,5:69 ;@7,: (=(03()3 #;(5+(9+: )(:,+ $ 6 ! and !# 330(5*, +(;( 46+,3 www.versasen VersaSense & # Kro #; ! 0)9(90,: -69 4<3;073, 3(5.<(.,: <33 (**,:: ;6 @6<9 +,=0*,: <:05. $ Rich APIs for the Programming Language of Your Choice www.versasense.c VersaSense & # Kroegb 0)9(90,: -69 4<3;073, 3(5.<(.,: <33 (**,:: ;6 @6<9 +,=0*,: <:05. $ 6 ! and IPSO data model. Sensing control logic may run anywhere, -964 @6<9 36*(3 5,;>692 ;6 ;/, 36<+ (QHUJ\ &RQVHUYDWLR Precision Anim MicroPnP provides real-time monitoring of 30=,:;6*2 -C*0,5*@ 0: ,5/(5*,+ ;/96<./ plug-and-play sensors and actuators that install in minutes to provide live, high- resolution data on animal conditions including feed consumption, water use, temperature, humidity, air quality and MicroPnP devices are being a V>ÃiÃÊ̅>ÌÊÀ>˜}iÊvÀœ“Ê…œ“iÊ œ«Ìˆ“ˆâ>̈œ˜°Ê*Õ}‡>˜`‡«>ÞÊ sensors are used to provide a det iled u derstanding of energ flow in the environment along monitoring of appliance po e consumption. Plug-and-play actuators allow for automatic co trol of devices. MicroPnP devices are being applied i energy management use cases that rang % ' ! ! center opt imizat ion . Plug-and-pla sensors are used to provide a detaile <5+,9:;(5+05. 6- ,5,9.@ D6> 05 ;/ environment along with monitoring appliance power consumption. Plug-an play actuators allow for automatic control devices. w VersaSen MicroPnP evices are be V>ÃiÃÊ̅>ÌÊÀ>˜}iÊvÀœ“Ê… œ«Ìˆ“ˆâ>̈œ˜°Ê*Õ}‡>˜`‡ sensors are used to prov detailed understanding of flow in the environ ent al monitoring of appliance consumption. Plug-a d- actuators allow for auto control of devices. MicroPnP devices monitor long distance chemical pipelines, providing precision monitoring f inf astructure and real time alerts for leaks, accidents or tampering. The MicroPnP mesh ˜iÌܜÀŽÊ«ÀœÛˆ`iÃÊ>˜ÊiÝÌÀi“iÞÊ Àiˆ>LiÊ>˜`ÊiÝÌi˜ÃˆLiʓiÃ…Ê Ì…>ÌÊV>˜ÊiÝÌi˜`Ê̜ÊVœÛiÀʅÕ}iÊ distances, while operating for up to a decade on a single battery. Precision Animal Farming Energy Conservation fro MicroPnP devices are being appli en rgy management use c ses that % ' ! center optimization . Plug-and sensors are used to provide a d <5+,9:;(5+05. 6- ,5,9.@ D6> 0 nvironment along with monitori appliance power consumption. Plu play actuators allow for automatic co devices. tampering. The Micr PnP mesh ˜iÌܜÀŽÊ«ÀœÛˆ`iÃÊ>˜ÊiÝÌÀi“iÞÊ Àiˆ>LiÊ>˜`ÊiÝÌi˜ÃˆLiʓiÃ…Ê Ì…>ÌÊV>˜ÊiÝÌi˜`Ê̜ÊVœÛiÀʅÕ}iÊ distances, while operating for up to a decade on a single battery. Precision Animal F rming Energy Conservation from the Home o the Dat MicroPnP devices monitor long dis ance chemical pipelines, providing precision m nitoring of infrastruc ure a d real time alerts for leaks, accidents or tampering. The MicroPnP mesh network provides an extremely reliable and exte sible mesh that can extend to cover huge distances, while operating for up to a decade on single battery. MicroPnP provides real-ti e monitoring of 30=,:;6*2 -C*0,5*@ 0: ,5/(5*,+ ;/96<./ plug-and- lay sensors and actuat rs th t install in minutes to provide live, high- resolution data o animal c nditions including feed consumption, water use, temperature, humidity, air quality and pollution. MicroPnP devices are being applied in energy managem nt use cases that range % ' ! ! center optimization . Plug-and-play nsors are used t provide a detailed <5+,9:;(5+05. 6- ,5,9.@ D6> 05 ;/, en ironm nt along with monitoring of appliance power consumption. Plug-and- Tru Plug-and-Play sensor integration. <;64(;0* +,=0*, +90=,9 05:;(33(;065 Open integration with all sensor types: 5(36. % "$ #! ,;* =,9 ,?0:;05. :,5:69 ;@7,: (=(03()3, #;(5+(9+: )(:,+ $ 6 ! and !# 330(5*, +(;( 46+,3 | MicroPnP: Plug-and-Play Sensing and Actuation 5LFK $3,V IRU WKH 3URJUDPPLQJ /DQJXDJH RI Àˆi ÊvœÀʓՏ̈«iʏ>˜}Õ>}ià UÊ ÕÊ>VViÃÃÊ̜ÊޜÕÀÊ`iۈViÃÊÕȘ}ÊÊ Ê Ê / Ê œ *Ê>˜`Ê *-"Ê`>Ì>ʓœ`i UÊ -i˜Ãˆ˜}ÊVœ˜ÌÀœÊœ}ˆVʓ>ÞÊÀ՘ÊÊ Ê anywhere, from your local network to the Cloud True Plug-and-Play sensor integration. <;64(;0* +,=0*, +90=,9 05:;(33(;065 Open integration with all sensor types: 5(36. % "$ #! ,;* =,9 ,?0:;05. :,5:69 ;@7,: (=(03()3, #;( +(9+: )(:,+ $ 6 ! nd Micro nP: Plug-and-Play Sensing and Actuati n True Plug-and-Play sensor integration. <;64(;0* +,=0*, +90=,9 05:;(33(;065 Open integration with all sensor types: 5(36. % "$ #! ,;* =,9 ,?0:;05. :,5:69 ;@7,: (=(03()3, #;(5+(9+: )(:,+ $ 6 ! and !# 330(5*, +(;( 46+,3 MicroPnP: Plug-and-Play Sensing and Actuation DSM Third Part /LQHDU 7HFKQRORJ\łV 'XVW 1HWZRUNV ® RIIHUV W ORZHVW SRZHU DQG PRVW UHOLDEOH VWDQGDUGV ED VHQVRU QHWZRUNLQJ :61 SURGXFWV 'XVW 1HW DUH ğHOG SURYHQ ZLWK RYHU FXVWRPHU GHSOR\HG LQ FRXQWULHV %\ GHOLYHULQJ ! UHOLDELOLW\ LQ WRXJK 5) HQYLURQPHQWV 'XVW 1 ZLUHOHVV PHVK QHWZRUNV DUH HQWUXVWHG E\ FX GHOLYHU FULWLFDO VHQVRU DQG FRQWURO GDWD UHOLDEL \HDUV ZLWKRXW UHTXLULQJ LQWHUYHQWLRQ P$ ( /R:3$1 ZLWK ELW $(6 EDVHG /LQHDU 7HFKQRORJ\łV 'XVW ORZHVW SRZHU DQG PRVW U VHQVRU QHWZRUNLQJ :61 DUH ğHOG SURYHQ ZLWK RY GHSOR\HG LQ FRXQWULH UHOLDELOLW\ LQ WRXJK 5) HQ ZLUHOHVV PHVK QHWZRUNV GHOLYHU FULWLFDO VHQVRU DQG \HDUV ZLWKRXW UHTXLULQJ LQ %HQHğWV ō 0DNH WUDGLWLRQDO ZLUHG VHQVRUV ZLUHOHVV ō &RQğJXUDEOH VHQVRU LQWHUIDFH ō 2XU JRDO LV WR FRYHU DOO VWDQGDUG VHQVRU QWHUIDFHV ō 6HOI KHDOLQJ 0HVK QHWZRUN ō 3OXJ DQG 3OD\ ō 8OWUD ORZ 3RZHU ŋ 5XQV RQ EDWWHULHV IRU \HDUV ō ! QHWZRUN UHOLDELOLW\ LQ WKH PRVW FKDOOHQJLQJ ō (DFK VHQVRU LQWHUIDFH KDV D XQLTXH ,3Y DGGUHVV ŋ UH ō 3URJUDPPDEOH 2YHU 7KH $LU ŋ 0DNHV LW HDV\ WR XSGDW ō Ń&DOO KRPHń IXQFWLRQ IRU XVHU GHğQHG FRQğJXUDWLRQ ō 8VHV D VWDQGDUG SURWRFRO ŋ ,((( ( /R:3$ HQFU\SWLRQ ō 7LPH 6\QFKURQL]HG 0HVK 3URWRFRO 7603 ō 7LPH 6ORWWHG &KDQQHO +RSSLQJ 76&+ ō 1RGHV NQRZ SUHFLVHO\ ZKHQ WR WDON OLVWHQ RU VOHHS ō 3DFNHW H[FKDQJHV DUH V\QFKURQL]HG ō 1R SDFNHWV FROOLGH RQ WKH QHWZRUN ō 0XOWLSOH WUDQVPLVVLRQV FDQ RFFXU VLPXOWDQHRXVO\ LQF Network Features Green Energy ō +XPLGLW\ ō 7HPSHUDWXUH ō $LUĠRZ ō $FRXVWLF Int rfaces ō , 2 C ō 63, ō P$ ō 8$57 ō $'& %HQHğWV ō 0DNH WUDGLWL QDO ZLUHG VHQVRUV ZLUHOHVV ō &RQğJXUDEOH VHQVRU LQWHUIDFH ō 2XU JRDO LV WR FRYHU DOO VWDQGDUG VHQVRU LQWHUIDFHV ō 6HOI KHDOLQJ 0HVK QHWZRUN ō 3OXJ DQG 3OD\ ō 8OWU ORZ 3RZHU ŋ 5XQV RQ EDWWHULHV IRU \HDUV ō ! HWZRUN UHOLDELOLW\ LQ WKH PRVW FKDOOHQJLQJ 5) QYLURQPHQW ō ( FK VHQVRU LQWHUIDFH KDV D XQLTXH ,3Y DGGUHVV ŋ UHPRWHO\ DFFH VLEOH ō 3URJUDPPDEOH 2YHU 7KH $LU ŋ 0DNHV LW HDV\ WR XSGDWH ): ō Ń&DOO KRPHń IXQFWLRQ IRU XVHU GHğQHG FRQğJXUDWLRQ ō 8VHV D VWDQGDUG SURWRFRO ŋ ,((( ( /R:3$1 ZLWK ELW $(6 HQFU\SWLRQ ō 7LPH 6\QFKURQL]HG 0HVK 3URWRFRO 7603 ō 7LPH 6ORWWHG &KDQQHO +RSSLQJ 76&+ ō 1RGHV NQRZ SUHFLVHO\ ZKHQ WR WDON OLVWHQ RU VOHHS Network Features %HQHğWV ō 0DNH WUDGLWLRQDO ZLUHG VHQVRUV ZLUHOHVV ō &RQğJXUDEOH VHQVRU LQWHUIDFH ō 2XU JRDO LV WR FRYHU DOO VW QGDUG VHQVRU LQWHUIDFHV ō 6HOI KHDOLQJ 0HVK QHWZRUN ō 3OXJ DQG 3OD\ ō 8OWUD ORZ 3RZHU ŋ 5XQV RQ EDWWHULHV IRU \HDUV ō ! QHWZRUN UHOLDELOLW\ LQ WKH RVW FKDOOHQJLQ ō (DFK VHQVRU LQWHUIDFH KDV D XQLTXH ,3Y DGGUHVV ŋ U ō 3URJUDPPDEOH 2YHU 7KH $LU ŋ 0DNHV LW HDV\ WR XSGD ō Ń&DOO KRPHń IXQFWLRQ IRU XVHU GHğQHG FRQğJX DWLRQ ō 8VHV D VWDQGDUG SURWRFRO ŋ ,((( ( /R:3 HQFU\SWLRQ ō 7LPH 6\QFKURQL]HG 0HVK 3URWRFRO 7603 ō 7LPH 6ORWWHG &KDQQHO +RSSLQJ 76&+ ō 1RGHV NQRZ SUHFLVHO\ ZKHQ WR WDON OLVWHQ RU VOHHS ō 3DFNHW H[FKDQJHV DUH V\QFKURQL]HG ō 1R SDFNHWV FROOLGH RQ WKH QHWZRUN ō 0XOWLSOH WUDQVPLVVLRQV FDQ RFFXU VLPXOWDQHRXVO\ LQ w Network Features management systems / mobile application =HUR &RQğJXUDWLRQ :LUHOHVV 6HQVLQJ DQG $FWXDWLRQ 6ROXWLRQ ŋ EDVHG RQ 6PDUW0HVK ,3 ™ VersaSense creates wireless Internet of Things (IoT) products that radically reduce the total cost of ownership for industrial sensing and control systems . Our award winning MicroPnP product line is a game changer for the sensing and control marketplace. MicroPnP provides a standards-based solution that drastically reduces the cost of acquiring, building, and operating wireless sensing and control systems. VersaSense creates wireless Internet of Things (IoT) products that radically reduce the total cost of ownership for industrial sensing and control systems . The award winning MicroPnP product line, based on SmartMesh IP™ embedded wireless mesh networking from Linear Technology, is a game changer for the sensing and control marketplace. MicroPnP provides a standards-based solution that drastically reduces the cost of acquiring, building, and operating wireless sensing and control systems. Zero-Configuration Wireless Sensing and Actuation Products VersaSense creates wireless Internet of Things (IoT) products that radically redu the total cost of ownership for industrial sensing and control systems . award winning MicroPnP product line is a game changer for the sensing and cont marketplace. MicroPnP provides a standards-based solution that drastically reduc the cost of acquiring, building, and operating wireless sensing and control systems Linear Technology SmartMesh IP Networking Zero-Configuration Wireless Sensing and Actuation P oducts VersaSense creates wireless Internet of Things (IoT) products that radically reduce the total cost of ownership for industrial sensing and control systems . Our award winning MicroPnP product line is a game changer for the sensing and control marketplace. MicroPnP provides a standards-based solution that drastically reduces the cost of acquiring, building, and operating wireless sensing and control systems. =HUR &RQğJXUDWLRQ :LUHOHVV 6HQVLQJ DQG $FWXDWLRQ 6RO 6PDUW0HVK ,3 ™ /LQHDU 7HFKQRORJ\ 6PDUW0HVK ,3 :LUHOHVV 1HWZRUN Linear Technology SmartMesh IP Networking 99.999% network reliability. Ultra-low power consumption: up to 10 year battery life. #$ *,9;0C,+ )0; # ,5*9@7;065 ?;,5:0)3, :,3- /,(305. 4,:/ #;(5+(9+: )(:,+ A , $0# (5+ 6'! Mi S VersaSense creates wireless Internet of Things (IoT) products that radically reduce the total cost of ow control systems . The award winning MicroPnP product line, based on SmartMesh IP™ embedded wirel Technology, is a game chang r for th sensing and control marketpla e. MicroPnP provides a standards-bas the cost of acquiring, building, and operating wireless sensing and control systems. 0LFUR3Q3 3OXJ DQG 3OD\ 6HQVLQJ DQG $FWXDWLRQ 5LFK 3URJ RI LˆˆÌÞ UÊ 1ÌÀ>‡œÜÊ«œÜiÀÊVœ˜ÃՓ«Ìˆœ˜\ÊÊ Ê Linear Technology SmartMesh IP Networking Zero-Configurati n Wir Actuation Pr VersaSense creates wireless Internet of Things the total cost of ownership for industrial s award winning MicroPnP product line is a game marketplace. MicroPnP provides a standards-b the cost of acquiring, building, and operating wir Linear Technology SmartMesh IP Networking VersaSense creates wireless Internet of Things (IoT) pr the total cost of ownership for industrial sensing award winning MicroPnP product line is a game chang marketplace. MicroPnP provides a standards-based sol the cost of acquiring, building, and operating wireless se 99.999% network reliability. Ultra-low power consumption: up to 10 year battery life. #$ *,9;0C,+ )0; # ,5*9@7;065 ?;,5:0)3, :,3- /,(305. 4,:/ #;(5+(9+: )(:,+ A , $0# (5+ 6'! MicroPnP Ca VersaSense works with customers actuation projects. What can Versa True Plug-and-Play sensor integration. <;64(;0* +,=0*, +90=,9 05:;(33(;065 Open integration with all sensor types: 5(36. % "$ #! ,;* =,9 ,?0:;05. :,5:69 ;@7,: (=(03()3, #;(5+(9+: )(:,+ $ 6 ! and !# 330(5*, +(;( 46+,3 MicroP P: Plug-and-Play Sensing and Actuation 5LFK $3,V IRU WKH 3URJUDPPLQJ /DQJXDJH RI ÀˆiÃÊvœÀʓՏ̈«iʏ>˜}Õ>}ià UÊ ÕÊ>VViÃÃÊ̜ÊޜÕÀÊ`iۈViÃÊÕȘ}ÊÊ Ê Ê / Ê œ *Ê>˜`Ê *-"Ê`>Ì>ʓœ`i UÊ -i˜Ãˆ˜}ÊVœ˜ÌÀœÊœ}ˆVʓ>ÞÊÀ՘ÊÊ Ê anywhere, from y ur local network to the Cloud True Plug-and-Play sensor integration. <;64(;0* +,=0*, +90=,9 05:;(33(;065 Open integration with all sensor types: 5(36. % "$ #! ,;* =,9 ,?0:;05. :,5:69 ;@7,: (=(03()3, #;(5+(9+: )(:,+ $ 6 ! and !# 330(5*, +(;( 46+,3 MicroPnP: Plug-and-Play Sensing and Actuation MicroPnP Case Studies VersaSense works with customers to deploy custom sensing and actuation projects. What can VersaSense do for your business? Long-distance Pipeline Monitoring | VersaSense & # Kroegberg ,<=,5 ,3.0<4 True Plug-and-Play sensor integr <;64(;0* +,=0*, +90=,9 05:;(33(;06 Op n integration wit all sensor ty 5(36. % "$ #! ,;* =,9 ,?0:;05. :,5:69 ;@7,: (=( #;(5+(9+: )(:,+ $ 6 ! and !# 330(5*, +(;( 46+,3 | VersaSense & # Kroegberg ,<=,5 ,3.0< 0)9(90,: -69 4<3;073, 3(5.<(.,: <33 (**,:: ;6 @6<9 +,=0*,: <:05. $ 6 ! and IPSO data model. Sensing contr l logic may run anywhere, -964 @6<9 36*(3 5,;>692 ;6 ;/, 36<+ Rich APIs for the Programming Language of Your Choice | VersaSense & # Kroegberg ,<=,5 ,3.0<4 0)9(90,: -69 4<3;073, 3(5.<(.,: <33 (**,:: ;6 @6<9 +,=0*,: <:05. $ 6 ! and IPSO data model. Sensing c ntrol logic m y run anywhere, -964 @6<9 36*(3 5,;>692 ;6 ;/, 36<+ Rich APIs for the Programming Language of Your Choice &DVH 6WXGLHV (QHUJ\ &RQVHUYDWLRQ IURP WKH +RPH WR WKH 'DWD &H WHU MicroPnP devices are being appli d in e ergy management use V>ÃiÃÊ̅>ÌÊÀ>˜}iÊvÀœ“Ê…œ“iÊi˜iÀ}ÞÊ«Àœwˆ˜}Ê̜Ê`>Ì>ÊVi˜ÌiÀÊ œ«Ìˆ“ˆâ>̈œ˜°Ê*Õ}‡>˜`‡«>ÞÊ sensors are used to provid a detailed understanding of energy flow in the environmen along with monitoring of appliance power /RQJ 'LVWDQFH 3LSHOLQH 0RQLWRULQJ MicroPnP devices monitor long distance chemical pipelines, providing precision monitoring of infrastructure and real time alerts for leaks, accidents or tampering. Th MicroPnP mesh ˜iÌܜÀŽÊ«ÀœÛˆ`iÃÊ>˜ÊiÝÌÀi“iÞÊ Àiˆ>LiÊ>˜`ÊiÝÌi˜ÃˆLiʓiÃ…Ê Ì…>ÌÊV>˜ÊiÝÌi˜`Ê̜ÊVœÛiÀʅÕ}iÊ distances, while operating for up to a decade on a single battery. MicroPnP Case Studies VersaSense works with customers to deploy custom sensing and actuation projects. What can VersaSense do for your business? Long-distance Pipeline Moni oring MicroPnP devices monitor long distance chemical pipelines, providing precision monitoring of infrastructure and real time alerts for leaks, accidents or tampering. The MicroPnP mesh network provides an extremely reliable and xtensible mesh that can extend t cover huge distances, while operating for up to a decade on a single battery. Precision Animal Farming Energy Conservation from the Home to the Data Center MicroPnP provides real-time monitoring of 30=,:;6*2 -C*0,5*@ 0: ,5/(5*,+ ;/96<./ plug-and-play sensors nd actuators that inst ll in minutes to provide live, high- resolution data on animal conditions including feed consumption, water use, temperature, humidity, air quality and pollution. Micro nP devices are being applied in energy mana ement use cases that range % ' ! ! center optimization . Plug-and-play sensors are used to provide a detailed <5+,9:;(5+05. 6- ,5,9.@ D6> 05 ;/, environment along with monitoring of appliance power consumption. Plug-and- play actuators allow for automati control of devices. 0)9(90,: -69 4<3;073, 3(5.<(.,: <33 (**,:: ;6 @6<9 +,=0*,: <:05. $ 6 ! an IPSO data model. Sensing control logic may run anywhere, -964 @6<9 36*(3 5,;>692 ;6 ;/, 36<+ Rich APIs for the Programming Language of Your Choice www.versasens VersaSense & # Kroe (QHUJ\ &RQVHUYDWL WR WKH 'DWD &HQWHU En rgy Conservation from t MicroPnP provides real-time monit ring 30=,:;6*2 -C*0,5*@ 0: ,5/(5*,+ ;/96<. plug-and-play sensors and actuators th install i minutes to provide live, hig resolution data on animal condition including feed consumption, water u temperature, humidity, air quality an pollution. www. VersaSen e & 0)9(90,: -69 4<3;073, 3(5.<(.,: <33 (**,:: ;6 @6<9 +,=0*,: <:05. $ 6 ! and IPSO data model. Sensing control logic may run anywhere, -964 @6<9 36*(3 5,;>692 ;6 ;/, 36<+ 0)9(90,: -69 4<3;073, 3(5.<(.,: <33 (**,:: ;6 @6<9 +,=0*,: <:05. $ 6 ! and IPSO data model. Sensing control logic may run anywhere -964 @6<9 36*(3 5,;>692 ;6 ;/, 36<+ Rich APIs for the Programming La guage of Your Choice www.v rsa VersaSense & # 0)9(90,: -69 4<3;073, 3(5.<(.,: <33 (**,:: ;6 @6<9 +,=0*,: <:05. $ 6 ! and IPSO data model. Sensing control log c may run anywhere, -964 @6<9 36*(3 5,;>692 ;6 ;/, 36<+ Rich APIs for the Programming Language of Your Choice &DVH 6WXGLHV (QHUJ\ &RQVHUY WR WKH 'DWD &HQ /RQJ 'LVWDQFH 3LSHOLQH 0RQLWRULQJ Mi roPnP Ca e Studies VersaSense works with customers to deploy custom sensing and actu tion projects. What can VersaSense do for your business? Long-dist nce Pipeline Monitoring Micro nP devices monitor long distance chemical pipelines, providing precision monitoring of infrastructure and real time al rts f r leaks, accidents or tampe ing. The MicroP P mesh network provides an xtremely reliable and extensible mesh that can exte d to cover huge distances, while operating for up to a dec de on a sin le battery. Precision MicroPnP provides real-time monitor 30=,:;6*2 -C*0,5*@ 0: ,5/(5*,+ ;/ plug-and-play sensors and actuator i stall in minutes to provide live, resolution data on animal cond includi g feed consumption, water temperature, humidity, air quality pollution. 0)9(9 <33 ( 6 ! Sensi -964 Rich La Sensing c -964 @6<9 3 &DVH 6WXGLHV /RQJ 'LVWDQFH 3LSHOLQH 0RQLWRULQJ MicroP P devices m nito long distance chemical pipelin providing precision monitoring of infrastructure and real time erts for leaks, accidents or MicroPnP Case Studies VersaSen e works with customers to d ploy custom sen actuati n projects. What ca VersaSense do for your b Long- istance Pipeline Monitoring Li ear Technology SmartMesh IP Networking Zero-Configuration Wir less Sensing and Actu tion Products VersaSense creates wireless Internet of Things (IoT) products that radically reduce the total ost of ownership for i us rial sensing and contro systems . Our award winning MicroPnP product line is a game changer for the sensing and control marketplace. Mic oPn provides a standards-based solution that drastically reduces the cost of acquiring, building, and operating wireless sensing and control systems. 99.999% network reliability. Ultra-low power consumption: up to 10 year battery life. #$ *,9;0C,+ )0; # ,5*9@7;065 ?;,5:0)3, :,3- /,(305. 4,:/ #;(5+(9+: )(:,+ A , $0# (5+ 6'! 0LFUR3Q3 3OXJ DQG 3OD\ 6HQVLQJ DQG $FWXDWLRQ Zero-Configuration Wireless Sensing and Actuat on Products VersaSense c eates wireless Internet of Things (IoT) products that radically reduce the total cost of ownership for industrial sensing and control sys ems . Our award winning MicroPnP product line is a game changer for the sensing and co trol marketplace. MicroPnP provides a standards-based solution that drastically reduces th cost of acquiring, building, and operating wireless sensing and control systems. Linear Technology SmartMesh IP Networking Zero-Configuration Wireless Sensing and Actuation Products VersaSense creates wireless Internet of Things (IoT) products that radically reduce the total cost of ownership for industrial sensing and control systems . Our award wi ning MicroPnP pr duct line is a game changer for the sensing and c ntrol ma ketplace. MicroPnP provid s a standards-based solution that drastically reduces the cost of acquiring, building, and operating wireless sensing and control systems. Environment Monitoring ō $FRXVWLF ō 89 ō $LU 4XDOLW\ ō 3RZHU ō 9ROWDJH Green E ergy ō +XPLGLW\ ō 7HPSHUDWXUH ō $LUĠRZ ō $FRXVWLF Building Automation ō 7HPSHUDWXUH ō +XPLGLW\ ō /LJKWV ō $FRXVWLF Factory Automation ō 3UHVVXUH ō +XPLGLW\ ō *DV ō 6WDLQ *DXJH ō 7HPSHUDWXUH I t rfaces ō , 2 C ō 63, ō P$ ō 8$57 ō $'& Vicotee Cloud SmartMesh IP™ Wirel ss Mesh N twork DSM Green Energy ō +XPLGLW\ ō 7HPSHUDWXUH ō $LUĠRZ ō $FRXVWLF Building Automat on ō 7HPSHUDWXUH ō +XPLGLW\ ō /LJKWV ō $FRXVWLF Factory Automatio ō 3UHVVXUH ō +XPLGLW\ ō *DV ō 6WDLQ *DXJH ō 7HPSHUDWXUH Interfaces ō , 2 C ō 63, ō ō 8$57 ō $'& Vi %HQHğWV ō 0DNH WUDGLWLRQDO ZLUHG VHQVRUV ZLUHOHVV ō &RQğJXUDEOH VHQVRU LQWHUIDFH ō 2XU JRDO LV WR FRYHU DOO VWDQGDUG VHQVRU LQWHUIDFHV ō 6HOI KHDOLQJ 0HVK QHWZRUN ō 3OXJ DQG 3OD\ ō 8OWUD ORZ 3RZHU ŋ 5XQV RQ EDWWHULHV IRU \HDUV ō ! SmartMesh IP™ Wireless Mesh Network Green Energy ō +XPLGLW\ ō 7HPSHUDWXUH ō $LUĠRZ ō $FRXVWLF Interfaces ō , 2 C ō 63, ō P$ ō 8$57 ō $'& Building A tomation ō 7HPSHUDWXUH ō +XPLGLW\ ō /LJKWV ō $FRXVWLF Factory Automation ō 3UHVVXUH ō +XPLGL \ ō *DV ō 6WDLQ *D JH ō 7HPSHUDWXUH Sma tMe Wir less Netw Green Energy ō +XPLGLW\ ō 7HPSHUDWXUH ō $LUĠRZ ō $FRXVWLF Interfaces ō , 2 C ō 63, ō P$ ō 8$57 ō $'& Cloud supporting Any industrial Sensor The Micro PNP solution /LQHDU 7HFKQRORJ\ 6PDUW0HVK ,3 :LUHOHVV 1HWZRUN 99.999% network reliability. Ultra-low power consumption: up to 10 year battery life. #$ *,9;0C,+ )0; # ,5*9@7;065 ?;,5:0)3, :,3- /,(305. 4,:/ #;(5+(9+: )(:,+ A , $0# (5+ 6'! onitor long distance chemical pipelines, onitoring real time dents or Pipeline M nitoring stance cision =HUR &RQğJXUDWLRQ :LUHOHVV 6HQVLQJ DQG $FWXDWLRQ 6ROXWLRQ ŋ EDVHG RQ 6PDUW0HVK ,3 ™ VersaSense creates wireless Internet of Things (IoT) products that radically reduce the total cost of ownership for industrial sensing and control systems . The award winning MicroPnP product line, based on SmartMesh IP™ embedded wireless mesh networking from Linear Technology, is a game changer for the sensing and control marketplace. MicroPnP provides a standards-based solution that drastically reduces the cost of acquiring, building, and operating wireless sensing and control systems. Linear Technology SmartMesh IP Networking 99.999% network reliability. Ultra-low power consumption: up to 10 year battery life. #$ *,9;0C,+ )0; # ,5*9@7;065 ?;,5:0)3, :,3- /,(305. 4,:/ #;(5+(9+: )(:,+ A , $0# (5+ 6'! 0LFUR3Q3 3OXJ DQG 3OD\ 6HQVLQJ DQG $FWXDWLRQ UÊ /ÀÕiÊ*Õ}‡>˜`‡*>ÞÊÃi˜ÃœÀʈ˜Ìi}À>̈œ˜ UÊ Õ̜“>̈VÊ`iۈViÊ`ÀˆÛiÀʈ˜ÃÌ>>̈œ˜ UÊ "«i˜Êˆ˜Ìi}À>̈œ˜Ê܈̅Ê>ÊÃi˜ÃœÀÊÌÞ«iÃ\Ê Ê ˜>œ}]Ê Ó ]Ê1 ,/]Ê-* ]ÊiÌV° UÊ "ÛiÀÊÓäÊi݈Ã̈˜}ÊÃi˜ÃœÀÊÌÞ«iÃÊ>Û>ˆ>Li UÊ -Ì>˜`>À`ÇL>Ãi`\Ê / Ê œ *Ê>˜`Ê Ê Ê *-"Ê ˆ>˜ViÊ`>Ì>ʓœ`i Linear Technology SmartMesh IP Networking 99.999% network reliability. Ultra-low power consumption: up to 10 year battery life. #$ *,9;0C,+ )0; # ,5*9@7;065 ?;,5:0)3, :,3- /,(305. 4,:/ #;(5+(9+: )(:,+ A , $0# (5+ 6'! 99.999% network reliability. Ultra-low power consumption: up to 10 year battery life. #$ *,9;0C,+ )0; # ,5*9@7;065 ?;,5:0)3, :,3- /,(305. 4,:/ #;(5+(9+: )(:,+ A , $0# (5+ 6'! 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Sensing control logic m y run anywhere, -964 @6<9 36*(3 5,;>692 ;6 ;/, 36<+ MicroPnP devices monitor long distance chemical pipelines, providing precision monitoring of infrastructure and real time alerts for leaks, accidents or tampering. The MicroPnP mesh network provides an extrem ly reliable and extensible mesh that can extend to cover huge distances, while operating for up to a decade on a single battery. www.versas VersaSense & # True Plug-and-Play sensor integration. <;64(;0* +,=0*, +90=,9 05:;(33(;065 Open integration with all sensor types: 5(36. % "$ #! ,;* =,9 ,?0:;05. :,5:69 ;@7,: (=(03()3, #;(5+(9+: )(:,+ $ 6 ! and !# 330(5*, +(;( 46+,3 5LFK $3,V IRU WKH 3URJUDPPLQJ /DQJXDJH RI ÀˆiÃÊvœÀʓՏ̈«iʏ>˜}Õ>}ià UÊ ÕÊ>VViÃÃÊ̜ÊޜÕÀÊ`iۈViÃÊÕȘ}ÊÊ Ê Ê / Ê œ *Ê>˜`Ê *-"Ê`>Ì>ʓœ`i UÊ -i˜Ãˆ˜}ÊVœ˜ÌÀœÊœ}ˆVʓ>ÞÊÀ՘ÊÊ Ê anywhere, from your local network to the Cloud True Plug-and-Play sensor integration. <;64(;0* +,=0*, +90=,9 05:;(33(;065 Open integration with all sensor types: 5(36. % "$ #! ,;* =,9 ,?0:;05. :,5:69 ;@7,: (=(03()3, #;(5+(9+: )(:,+ $ 6 ! and !# 330(5*, +(;( 46+,3 MicroPnP: Plug-and-Play Sensing and Actuation 0)9(90,: -69 4<3;073, 3(5.<(.,: <33 (**,:: ;6 @6<9 +,=0*,: <:05. $ 6 ! and IPSO data model. Sensing control logic may run anywhere, -964 @6<9 36*(3 5,;>692 ;6 ;/, 36<+ Rich APIs for the Programming Language of Your Choice UÊ /ÀÕiÊ*Õ}‡>˜`‡*>ÞÊÃi˜ÃœÀʈ˜Ìi}À>̈œ˜ UÊ Õ̜“>̈VÊ`iۈViÊ`ÀˆÛiÀʈ˜ÃÌ>>̈œ˜ UÊ "«i˜Êˆ˜Ìi}À>̈œ˜Ê܈̅Ê>ÊÃi˜ÃœÀÊÌÞ«iÃ\Ê Ê ˜>œ}]Ê Ó ]Ê1 ,/]Ê-* ]ÊiÌV° UÊ "ÛiÀ ÓäÊi݈Ã̈˜}ÊÃi˜ÃœÀÊÌÞ«iÃÊ>Û>ˆ>Li UÊ -Ì>˜`>À`ÇL>Ãi`\Ê / Ê œ *Ê>˜`Ê Ê Ê *-"Ê ˆ>˜ViÊ`>Ì>ʓœ`i 99.999% network reliability. Ultra-low power consumption: up to 10 year battery life. #$ *,9;0C,+ )0; # ,5*9@7;065 ?;,5:0)3, :,3- /,(305. 4,:/ #;(5+(9+: )(:,+ A , $0# (5+ 6'! Rich APIs for the Programming Language of Your Choice MicroPnP devices m nitor long distance chemical pipelines, providing recision monit ing of infrastructure and real time alerts for leaks, accidents or tampering. The MicroPnP mesh network provides an extremely reliable and extensible mesh that ca extend to cover huge distances, while op rating for up to a decade on a single battery. consumption. Plug-and-play actuators allow for automatic control of devices. www.v VersaSense & | VersaSense & # Kroegberg MicroPnP Case Studies VersaSense works with customers to deploy custom sensing and actuation projects. What can VersaSense do for your business? Energy Conservation from the Home to the Data Cent r MicroPnP devic s are being applied in energy management use cases that range % ' ! ! Precision Animal Farming MicroPnP provides real-time monitoring of ō 7LPH 6\QFKURQL]HG 0HVK 3URWRFRO 7603 ō 7LP 6ORWWHG &KDQQHO +RSSLQJ 76&+ ō 1RGHV NQRZ SUHFLVHO\ ZKHQ WR WDON OLVWHQ RU VOHHS Network Featur s ,<=,5 ,3.0<4 0)9(90,: -69 4<3;073, 3(5.<(.,: <33 (**,:: ;6 @6<9 +,=0*,: <:05. $ 6 ! and IPSO data model. Sensing control logic may run anywhere, -964 @6<9 36*(3 5,;>692 ;6 ;/, 36<+ Rich APIs for the Programming Language of Your Choice 0)9(90,: -69 4<3;073, 3(5.<(.,: <33 (**,:: ;6 @6<9 +,=0*,: <:05. $ 6 ! and IPSO data model. Sensing control logic may run anywhere, -964 @6<9 36*(3 5,;>692 ;6 ;/, 36<+ Rich APIs for the Programming Language of Your Choice &DVH 6WXGLHV /RQJ 'LVWDQFH 3LSHOLQH 0RQLWRULQJ ,<=,5 ,3.0<4 MicroPnP: Plug-and-Play Sensing and Actuation MicroPnP Case Studies VersaSense works with customers to deploy custom sensing and actuation projects. What can VersaSense do for your business? Long-distance Pipe UÊ €™™°™™™¯Ê˜iÌܜÀŽÊÀiˆ>LˆˆÌÞ UÊ 1ÌÀ>‡œÜÊ«œÜiÀÊVœ˜ÃՓ«Ìˆœ˜\ÊÊ MicroPnP devices monitor long distance chemical pipelines, providing precision monit ing of infrastructure and real time alerts for leaks, accidents or tampering. The MicroPnP mesh network provides an extremely reliable and extensible mesh that can extend to cover huge distances, while operating for up to a decade on a single battery. MicroPnP provides real-time monitoring of 30=,:;6*2 -C*0,5*@ 0: ,5/(5*,+ ;/96<./ plug-and-play sensors and actuators that install in minutes to provide live, high- resolution data on animal conditions i cluding feed consumption, water use, temperature, humidity, air quality and pollution. MicroPnP p ovides real-time monitoring of 30=,:; * -C*0,5*@ 0: ,5/(5*,+ ;/96<./ plug-and-play sensors and actuators that install in minutes to provide live, high- resolution data on animal conditions including feed consumption, water use, temperature, humidity, air quality and po lu ion. Ê HQFU\SWLRQ Ê True Plug-and-Play sensor integration. <;64(;0* +,=0*, +90=,9 05:;(33(;065 Open integration with all sensor types: 5(36. % "$ #! ,;* =,9 ,?0:;05. :,5:69 ;@7,: (=(03()3, #;(5+(9+: )(:,+ $ 6 ! and !# 330(5*, +(;( 46+,3 Ê 1«Ê̜ʣäÊÞi>ÀÊL>ÌÌiÀÞʏˆvi UÊ -/‡ViÀ̈wi`Ê£Ón‡LˆÌÊ -Êi˜VÀޫ̈œ˜ UÊ ÝÌi˜ÃˆLi]ÊÃiv‡…i>ˆ˜}ʓiÅ UÊ -Ì>˜`>À`ÇL>Ãi`\ÊÓ°{ âÊ ÊnäÓ°£x°{i] Ê È/ˆ- Ê>˜`ÊÈ œ7* 99.999% network reliability. Ultra-low power consumption: up to 10 year battery life. #$ *,9;0C,+ )0; # ,5*9@7;065 ?;,5:0)3, :,3- /,(305. 4,:/ #;(5+(9+: )(:,+ A , $0# (5+ 6'! %HQHğWV ō 0DNH WUDGLWLRQDO ZLUHG VHQVRUV ZLUHOHVV ō &RQğJXUDEOH VHQVRU LQWHUIDFH ō 2XU JRDO LV WR FRYHU DOO VWDQGDUG VHQVRU LQWHUIDFHV ō 6HOI KHDOLQJ 0HVK QHWZRUN ō 3OXJ DQG 3OD\ ō 8OWUD ORZ 3RZHU ŋ 5XQV RQ EDWWHULHV IRU \HDUV ō ! MicroPnP: Plug-and-Play Sensing and Actuation Long-distance Pipeline Monitoring Precision Animal Farming MicroPnP devices monitor long distance chemical pipelines, providing precision monito ing of infrastructure and real time alerts for leaks, accidents or tampering. The MicroPnP mesh network provides an extremely reliable and extensible mesh that can extend to cover huge distances, while operating for up to a decade on a single battery. MicroPnP provides real-time monitoring of 30=,:;6*2 -C*0,5*@ 0: ,5/(5*,+ ;/96<./ Zero-Configuration Wirele Actuation Prod VersaSense creates wireless Internet of Things (IoT the total cost of ownership for industrial sens award winning MicroPnP product line is a game ch marketplace. MicroPnP provides a standards-based the cost of acquiring, building, and operating wireles True Plug-and-Play sensor integration. <;64(;0* +,=0*, +90=,9 05:;(33(;065 Open integration with all sensor types: 5(36. % "$ #! ,;* =,9 ,?0:;05. :,5:69 ;@7,: (=(03()3, #;(5+(9+: )(:,+ $ 6 ! and !# 330(5*, +(;( 46+,3 UÊ ˆLÀ>ÀˆiÃÊvœÀʓՏ̈«iʏ>˜}Õ>}ià UÊ ÕÊ>VViÃÃÊ̜ÊޜÕÀÊ`iۈViÃÊÕȘ}ÊÊ Ê Ê / Ê œ *Ê>˜`Ê *-"Ê`>Ì>ʓœ`i UÊ -i˜Ãˆ˜}ÊVœ˜ÌÀœÊœ}ˆVʓ>ÞÊÀ՘ÊÊ Ê anywhere, from your local network to the Cloud MicroPnP: Plug-and-Pla Sensing an Actuation True Plug-and-Play sensor integration. <;64(;0* +,=0*, +90=,9 05:;(33(;065 Open integration with all sensor types: 5(36. % "$ #! ,;* =,9 ,?0:;05. :,5:69 ;@7,: (=(03()3, #;(5+(9+: )(:,+ $ 6 ! and !# 330(5*, +(;( 46+,3 MicroPnP: Plug-and-Play Sensing and Actuation MicroPnP Case Studies VersaSense works with customers to deploy custom sensing and actuation projects. What can VersaSense do for your business? Long-distance Pipeline Monitoring Precision Ani Rich APIs for the Programming Language of Your Choice UÊ "ÛiÀÊÓäÊi݈Ã̈˜}ÊÃi˜ÃœÀÊÌÞ«iÃÊ>Û>ˆ>Li UÊ -Ì>˜`>À`ÇL>Ãi`\Ê / Ê œ *Ê>˜`Ê Ê Ê *-"Ê ˆ>˜ViÊ`>Ì>ʓœ`i 99.999% network reliability. Ultra-low power consumption: up to 10 year battery life. #$ *,9;0C,+ )0; # ,5*9@7;065 ?;,5:0)3, :,3- /,(305. 4,:/ #;(5+(9+: )(:,+ A , $0# (5+ 6'! Tru <; Op 5( =, #;( !# Long-distance MicroPnP devices onitor long di chemical pipelines, providing pre monit ing of infrastructure and rea alerts for leak , accidents or tamperin MicroPnP mesh network provid extremely reliable and extensible mes can xtend to cover huge distances, operating for up to a decade on a batte y. 0)9(90 <33 (* 6 ! Sensin -964 @ La 0)9(90,: - <33 (**,: 6 ! and Rich API Langu Building Automation ō 7HPSHUDWXUH ō +XPLGLW\ ō /LJKWV ō $FRXVWLF ō 3UHVVXUH ō +XPLGLW\ ō *DV ō 6WDLQ *DXJH ō 7HPSHUDWXUH Environment M nitoring ō $FRXVWLF ō 89 ō $LU 4XDOLW\ ō 3RZHU ō 9ROWDJH Building Automation ō 7HPSHUDWXUH ō +XPLGLW\ ō /LJKWV ō $FRXVWLF ō 3UHVVXUH ō +XPLGLW\ ō *DV ō 6WDLQ *DXJH ō 7HPSHUDWXUH True Pl <;64 Open i 5(36. =,9 #;(5+( !# UÊ ˆLÀ>À UÊ ÕÊ> Ê / Ê UÊ -i˜Ãˆ anyw to the True Plug- <;64(;0* Open integ 5(36. =,9 ,? #;(5+(9+: !# 330( Micro Sens Tr < O 5 = OHVV 6HQVLQJ DQG $FWXDWLRQ 6ROXWLRQ ŋ EDVHG RQ Linear Technology SmartMesh IP Networking VersaSense creates wireless Internet of Things (IoT) products that radically reduce the total cost of ownership for industrial sensing and control systems . Our award winning MicroPnP product line is a game changer for the sensing and control marketplace. MicroPnP provides a standards-based solution that drastically reduces the cost of acquiring, building, and operating wireless sensing and control systems. gs (IoT) products that radically reduce the total cost of ownership for industrial sensing and nP product line, based on SmartMesh IP™ embedded wireless mesh networking from Linear and control marketplace. MicroPnP provides a standards-based solution that drastically reduces wireless sensing and control systems. Zero-Configurati n Wireless Sensing and Actuation Products VersaSense creates wireless Internet of Things (IoT) products that radically reduce the total cost of ownership for industrial sensing and control systems . Our award winning MicroPnP product line is a game changer for the sensing and control marketplace. MicroPnP provides a standards-based solution that drastically reduces the cost of acquiring, building, and operating wireless sensing and control systems. Linear Technology SmartMesh IP Networking Zero-Configuration Wireless Sensing and Actuation P oducts saSense creates wireless Internet of Things (IoT) products that radically reduce total cost of ownership for industrial sensing and control systems . Our ard winning MicroPnP product line is a game changer for the sensing and control rketplace. MicroPnP provides a standards-based solution that drastically reduces cost of acquiring, building, and operating wireless sensing and control systems. UÊ €™™°™™™¯Ê˜iÌܜÀŽÊÀiˆ>LˆˆÌÞ UÊ 1ÌÀ>‡œÜÊ«œÜiÀÊVœ˜ÃՓ«Ìˆœ˜\ÊÊ Ê Ê 1«Ê̜ʣäÊÞi>ÀÊL>ÌÌiÀÞʏˆvi UÊ -/‡ViÀ̈wi`Ê£Ón‡LˆÌÊ -Êi˜VÀޫ̈œ˜ UÊ ÝÌi˜ÃˆLi]ÊÃiv‡…i>ˆ˜}ʓiÅ UÊ -Ì>˜`>À`ÇL>Ãi`\ÊÓ°{ âÊ ÊnäÓ°£x°{i] Ê È/ˆ- Ê>˜`ÊÈ œ7* UÊ /ÀÕiÊ*Õ}‡>˜`‡*>ÞÊÃi˜ÃœÀʈ˜Ìi}À>̈œ˜ UÊ Õ̜“>̈VÊ`iۈViÊ`ÀˆÛiÀʈ˜ÃÌ>>̈œ˜ UÊ "«i˜Êˆ˜Ìi}À>̈œ˜Ê܈̅Ê>ÊÃi˜ÃœÀÊÌÞ«iÃ\Ê Ê ˜>œ}]Ê Ó ]Ê1 ,/]Ê-* ]ÊiÌV° UÊ "ÛiÀÊÓäÊi݈Ã̈˜}ÊÃi˜ÃœÀÊÌÞ«iÃÊ>Û>ˆ>Li UÊ -Ì>˜`>À`ÇL>Ãi`\Ê / Ê œ *Ê>˜`Ê Ê Ê *-"Ê ˆ>˜ViÊ`>Ì>ʓœ`i 99.999% network reliability. Ultra-low power consumption: up to 10 year battery life. #$ *,9;0C,+ )0; # ,5*9@7;065 ?;,5:0)3, :,3- /,(305. 4,:/ #;(5+(9+: )(:,+ A , $0# (5+ 6'! Case Studies omers to deploy custom sensing and VersaS nse d for your business? SENSORS The Vicote solution Zero-Configuration Wireless Sensing and Actuation Products 99.999% network reliability. Ultra-low power consumption: up to 10 year battery life. #$ *,9;0C,+ )0; # ,5*9@7;065 ?;,5:0)3, :,3- /,(305. 4,:/ #;(5+(9+: )(:,+ A , $0# (5+ 6'! 0LFUR3Q3 3OXJ DQG 3OD\ 6HQVLQJ DQG $FWXDWLRQ UÊ /ÀÕiÊ*Õ}‡>˜`‡*>ÞÊÃi˜ÃœÀʈ˜Ìi}À>̈œ˜ UÊ Õ̜“>̈VÊ`iۈViÊ`ÀˆÛiÀʈ˜ÃÌ>>̈œ˜ UÊ "«i˜Êˆ˜Ìi}À>̈œ˜Ê܈̅Ê>ÊÃi˜ÃœÀÊÌÞ«iÃ\Ê Ê ˜>œ}]Ê Ó ]Ê1 ,/]Ê-* ]ÊiÌV° UÊ "ÛiÀÊÓäÊi݈Ã̈˜}ÊÃi˜ÃœÀÊÌÞ«iÃÊ>Û>ˆ>Li UÊ -Ì>˜`>À`ÇL>Ãi`\Ê / Ê œ *Ê>˜`Ê Ê Ê *-"Ê ˆ>˜ViÊ`>Ì>ʓœ`i Linear Technology SmartMesh IP Networking 99.999% network reliability. Ultra-low power consumption: up to 10 year battery life. #$ *,9;0C,+ )0; # ,5*9@7;065 ?;,5:0)3, :,3- /,(305. 4,:/ #;(5+(9+: )(:,+ A , $0# (5+ 6'! | MicroPnP provides real-time monitoring of 30=,:;6*2 -C*0,5*@ 0: ,5/(5*,+ ;/96<./ plug-and-play sensors and actuators that install in minutes to provide live, high- resolution data on animal conditions including feed consumption, water us , t mperature, humidity, air quality and pollution. MicroPnP devices monitor long distance chemical pipelines, providing precision monitoring of infrastructure and real time alerts for eaks, accidents or tampering. The MicroPnP mesh network provides an extremely reliable and extensible mesh that can extend to cover huge distances, while operating for up to a decade on a single battery. 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S nsi g c ntrol logic may run anywh re, -964 @6<9 36*(3 5,;>692 ;6 ;/, 36<+ Rich APIs for he Programming Language of Your Choice 0)9(90,: -69 4<3;073, 3(5.<(.,: <33 (**,:: ;6 @6<9 +,=0*,: <:05. $ 6 ! and IPSO data model. Sensing control logic may run anywhere, Rich APIs for the Programming Language of Your Choice QHWZRUN UHOLDELOLW\ LQ WKH PRVW FKDOOHQJLQJ 5) HQYLURQPHQW ō (DFK VHQVRU LQWHUIDFH KDV D XQLTXH ,3Y DGGUHVV ŋ UH RWHO\ DFFHVVLEOH ō 3URJUDPPDEOH 2YHU 7KH $LU ŋ 0DNHV LW HDV\ WR XSGDWH ): ō Ń&DOO KRPHń IXQFWLRQ IRU XVHU GHğQHG FRQğJXUDWLRQ VersaSense & # Kroegberg œ«Ìˆ“ˆâ>̈œ˜°Ê*Õ}‡>˜`‡«>ÞÊ sensors are used to provide a MicroPnP devices are being applied in Precision Animal Farming Precision Animal Farming Linear Technology SmartMesh IP Networking /LQHDU 7HFKQRORJ\ 6PDUW0HVK ,3 :LUHOHVV 1HWZRUN Rich APIs for the Programming Language of Your Choice Linear Technology SmartMesh IP Networking 99.999% network reliability. Ultra-low power consumption: up to 10 year battery life. #$ *,9;0C,+ )0; # ,5*9@7;065 ?;,5:0)3, :,3- /,(305. 4,:/ #;(5+(9+: )(:,+ A , $0# (5+ 6'! 0LFUR3Q3 3OXJ DQG 3OD\ 6HQVLQJ DQG $FWXDWLRQ Linear Technology SmartMesh IP Networking Linear Technology SmartMesh IP Networking 99.999% network reliability. Ultra-low power consumption: up to 10 year battery life. #$ *,9;0C,+ )0; # ,5*9@7;065 ?;,5:0)3, :,3- /,(305. 4,:/ #;(5+(9+: )(:,+ A , $0# (5+ 6'! 0)9(90,: -69 4<3;073, 3(5.<(.,: <33 (**,:: ;6 @6<9 +,=0*,: <:05. $ 6 ! and IPSO data model. S n ing control logic may run anywhere, -964 @6<9 36*(3 5,;>692 ;6 ;/, 36<+ 0)9(90,: -69 4<3;073, 3(5.<(.,: <33 (**,:: ;6 @6<9 +,=0*,: <:05. $ 6 ! and IPSO data model. 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VersaSense create wireless Intern t of Things (IoT) products that radically reduce the total cos control systems . The award winning MicroPnP product line, based on SmartMesh IP™ embedde Technology, is a game changer for the sensing and control marketplace. MicroPnP provides a standa the cost f acquiring, building, and operating wireless sensing and control systems. 0LFUR3Q3 3OXJ DQG 3OD\ 6HQVLQJ DQG $FWXDWLRQ UÊ €™™°™™™¯Ê˜iÌܜÀŽÊÀiˆ>LˆˆÌÞ UÊ 1ÌÀ>‡œÜÊ«œÜiÀÊVœ˜ÃՓ«Ìˆœ˜\ÊÊ Ê UÊ /ÀÕiÊ*Õ}‡>˜`‡*>ÞÊÃi˜ÃœÀʈ˜Ìi}À>̈œ˜ UÊ Õ̜“>̈VÊ`iۈViÊ`ÀˆÛiÀʈ˜ÃÌ>>̈œ˜ UÊ "«i˜Êˆ˜Ìi}À>̈œ˜Ê܈̅Ê>ÊÃi˜ÃœÀÊÌÞ«iÃ\Ê Ê ˜>œ}]Ê Ó ]Ê1 ,/]Ê-* ]ÊiÌV° Linear Technology SmartMesh IP Networking Zero-Configuration Actuatio VersaSense creates wireless Internet of the total cost of ownership for indus award winning MicroPnP product line is a marketplace. MicroPnP provides a stand the cost of acquiring, building, and op ati Linear Technology SmartMesh IP Netwo king marketplace. MicroPnP provides a standards-ba the cost of acquiring, building, and operating wirel 99.999% network reliability. Ultra-low power consumption: up to 10 year attery life. #$ *,9;0C,+ )0; # ,5*9@7;065 ?;,5:0)3, :,3- /,(305. 4,:/ #;(5+(9+: )(:,+ A , $0# (5+ 6'! MicroPnP VersaSense works with cust actuation projects. 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