Alcala Yearbook 1995
Sophomore Senators 7Jan c5enyenberyer & Orie Carroll
What kind of stuff do the Sophomore Senators do? Our first, second, and third priorities are to listen to our class– mates. You might tell us about a prob– lemin the cafeteria. Then,atourweekly Student Issues Board meetings we fig- . ure out how to solve that problem. We also put together class events like the Sophomore Hungry Hour and the Chargers game.
Freshmen Senators
0/even Xu/ & :JodiWeller
As representatives of the Freshmen class, our primary function is to become the link between our class and the student govern– ment, faculty, and the staff of University of San Diego. We are responsible for attend– ing Student Issues Board, Senate, and Bud– get Committee Meetings. Our responsibili– ties also include programming events, pro– moting spirit and creating a friendly and comforting atmosphere within the Fresh– men Class.
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