Alcala Yearbook 1995

radition is a word most will be more than familiar with when we are handed our di– plomas and enter the "real world" of adulthood-from a life ofrelative freedom living off of Mom and Dad, to an

entirely different one filled with adult obligations and the responsi– bility of making our own living. College is an experiencewe will look back upon fondly as a time of fun - "The best days of our lives." It's a time of parties, friends, first apart– ments, cramming for tests, and through it all learning lessons and responsibility an·d acquiring knowl– edge to prepare us for our lives be– yond USO. From the day we entered USO as frightened and excited freshmen, to the day we leave, the memories we made and shared will never be for– gotten. Whenwe look back in twenty years to what once was, memories will be all that's left of the times we shared, but our traditions will for– ever be embedded in the framework of USO, as we came, made our mark at USO, and now are ready to move on to place our mark on the rest of the world. Our senior year was in part spent fulfilling our academic careers, but mostly riding out the crest of the wave of our college experience, fi– nally breaking upon the shore with the sound of "Pomp and Circum– stance."

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