Alcala Yearbook 1995
A New Threshold We are on the threshold of a new and unprecedented era in the annals of man– kind. Nations of every sizef long under foreign rulef some with ancient cultures/ others primative for centuries/ are casting off the yoke and grasping independence. The day cannot be far off when all peoples/ no matter what their color/ racef or culture/ will be members in the family of manf equal in rights/ sovereign/ and free.
Science and the Future
The devices which science has given us are neither good nor evil in themselves. Their capacity for good or evil lies in the use we make of them. Thusf not in the laboratory/ but in the human heart/ in the realm of spirit/ lies the challenge of the future .
We want you to know how much we love you and how proud we are of you. The future is bright. Make the most of every day. Work hard and have some fun.
Mazel Tov! Momf Emily/ & Sarah Louise
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