
Flowers Carley Hurt

Flowers here, flowers there Flowers all around the square Pink, yellow, blue, and white Oh what a sight Red roses in the meadow Yellow tulips by the pond It would be quite easy to bond.

Flowers here, flowers there Flowers all around the square Huge tiger lilies line the castle walls Looks like they’re planning to attend a ball All the flowers stand so tall never looking down As if they’re trying to take the crown.

Flowers here, flowers there Flowers all around the square Luscious pink, brilliant blue, Terrific turquoise, nothing’s bare Oh how nice and sweet they seem The beautiful flowers lined up in rows With pretty petals that look like bows The sun will forever shine Over this beautiful garden of mine!

Carley Hurt is a 3rd grader at Mercer Elementary School. In addition to writing, she enjoys competing in gymnas- tics, playing the piano, and crafting any kind of art. Her gifted teacher is Mrs. Stogner.


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