
ing to Jupiter, Florida. I’d never believe that they were moving back to Jupiter the planet but then again consider this. When you see someone barbecue a can full of rub- bish, tons of dirt, and a lot more trash than you can ever imagine from a gas station, you are from Jupiter the Plan- et”. Anyway the family forgot the flying mailbox. About that time the house had reappeared beside his home, where it was before they moved. The front door opened and the little girl came out, smiled and waved. She got into the mailbox, drove into the house, she turned, looked back, smiled and said goodbye to her old neighbor. He was getting his mail. So he saw the whole process of moving happening again. He turned shook his head and walked back inside as if he hadn’t seen a thing. The End Or is it?

Stephanie is twelve years old and loves to write stories and poems of all kinds for fun and adventure.


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