Awaken The Dawn


dare say on any given Sunday, in any large city, at least one preacher will mention George Mueller. I myself have used snatches of his life story to illustrate the power of believing in prayer. So when I saw the book, I knew the time had come for me to sit down and read carefully the entire story of George Mueller. With trembling hands I quickly made the purchase, anxious that someone else would grab the book ahead of me! In the late 1800s George Mueller lived a remarkable life of dedicated prayer and faith: housing and feeding thou- sands of homeless children in Bristol, England, but mak- ing his financial needs known to no one but God. The astounding results of George Mueller’s relationship of delight and confidence in God have made his name a byword for faith throughout the world. Indeed, it was to demonstrate what can be wrought by faith that Mueller originally began his work. His own statement is clear, concise, and very challenging:

My chief object was the glory of God, by giving a practical demonstration as to what could be accom- plished simply through the instrumentality of prayer and faith, in order thus to benefit the Church of Christ at large, and to lead a careless world to see the reality of the things of God, by showing them in this work, that the Living God is still, as four thou- sand years ago, the Living God…. That it may be seen how much one poor man, simply by trusting in God, can bring about by prayer; and that thus other children of God may be led to carry on the work of God in dependence upon Him, and that children of God may be led increasingly to trust in Him in their individual positions and circumstances…. 1


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