Awaken The Dawn

Working Out for an Hour

Most people do not pray for an hour because they do not know how. They need a routine that will enable them to build up their spiritual muscles. My friend, that is why we have The Lord’s Prayer. Let me lead you through an hour of spiritual exercise. You will wonder where the time went! Get Your Gear Together Certain equipment will greatly enhance your times of prayer. You will need a Bible for Word-praying. Have paper and pen ready for taking notes of important thoughts that will come to you. Have an outline of the Lord’s Prayer to help pace yourself through the time allot- ted. I particularly like Dick Eastman’s nine points of focus which appeared in one of his monthly bulletins. I will use his format in sharing how Jesus’ prayer has shaped my life and ministry. Hopefully, Eastman’s nine points of focus while praying the Lord’s Prayer will make your morning devotion more inspirational and fruitful. 2 Also, maintain a list of important prayer requests that can be presented at appropriate times. And if you are going to be a world-class prayer person, you need a good prayer map like the one supplied by Dick Eastman. 3 If you pray in the cold early morning in your living room, you may need a blanket to wrap around yourself. Now, let us begin. 1. FOCUS ON WORSHIP: Concentrate on praising God for who He is. “Our Father which art in heaven”


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