Awaken The Dawn


Actuate words such as these by pray-reading them aloud. I have actually walked back and forth in my living room, holding the Bible in my hands and reading these words. Do not mumble them, but speak them directly and force- fully to your Father: “My Father, You are holy, holy, holy. You are the LORD God, the Almighty.” Not that we can make Him any more holy, but we say it aloud to acknowl- edge His unction. When we express His holiness, we declare His sanctity and exalt His name. Our God has many names and attributes. Invoke them in the first minutes of your prayer time. Let your mind revel in the majestic meanings of His names, as with your mouth you audibly avow: “You are the Mighty God, You are the Living Lord, the Great I AM.” Declare His attributes: “You, oh Lord, are absolute Love, You are Kind and Merciful, You are so Longsuffering.” Try taking a few minutes doing nothing else but praising and adoring His names and attributes! Spend a few min- utes reciting the great miraculous acts of God as recorded in the Scriptures. One morning, I began to do this and found myself so inspired that I continued for forty-five minutes just on the theme of God’s greatness. Make it a practice to open your prayer time with worship and ado- ration, for as Harold Lindsell says:

Adoration is the first and the highest form of prayer. In its simplest and finest form, it is the worship and praise of God by one of His children. It consists in acknowledging God as God, in paying to Him the devotion of heart He requires of true worship- pers…. Adoration should be the first prayer uttered by devout lips except, perhaps, in moments of great


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