Awaken The Dawn


authority and I can testify that such a prayer will indeed shape and affect your ministry. Such prayer releases the Holy Spirit to deal with those areas of your life where you may be “a few bricks short of a load.” I have found the fire of such praying quickly brings the dross to the sur- face. Things for me, such as procrastination, criticism, and anger, have been identified and brought under king- dom authority more readily than before. As we make these practical applications to prayer, it is necessary to settle into a time slot that will allow such amplification. This I urge strongly, of course, for a period of at least an hour. Pray first each day and watch a dra- matic difference in the way the day unfolds. 4. FOCUS ON EVANGELISM: Claim God’s will in your life, family and the world. Always remember. “God is not willing that any should perish!” “Thy will de done on earth as it is in heaven” I like Dick Eastman’s statement: “No prayer can be answered out of God’s will and no petition can be refused when offered in God’s will.” 10 The apostle John said: “And this is the confidence which we have before Him, that, if we ask ask anything according to His will, He hears us…” 11 The third and fourth phrases concerning the kingdom and the will of God easily overlap. Their scope easily overlaps as well. Personally, I have no difficulty in pray- ing for people of the world that have yet to hear the Gospel of Christ, while at the same time praying for the spirituality of my grandchildren. God does not seem to


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