Awaken The Dawn


the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Do not stop there, take a few more minutes with this con- cept. “Lead us, oh Lord, so that we can discern the satan- ic presence and purpose in every situation involving moral enticement, sinful seduction, suffering, persecu- tion, or martyrdom.” This prayer acknowledges that we will be tempted, but our expectation is that through God’s grace, we will not yield to it. Jesus will help us: “For since He Himself was tempted in that which He has suffered, He is able to come to the aid of those who are tempted.” 14 God prefers that we encounter evil and be delivered from it, rather than that He would deliver us from all encounters with it. l5 If you are troubled with some addictive habit, do not be mired down by faithless anxiety. Begin laying your hands on yourself daily and affirm strongly in prayer: “O Lord, this body belongs to You. I am a temple of the Holy Spirit. Purify and cleanse this temple. Release my mind and body from all destructive addiction.” The habit will begin to yield to your insistent prayer, and soon it will go away. Fervently, bring Jesus’ suggested request to God each day. It does, indeed, break the power of temptation. You will find yourself more spiritually vigilant. You will be able to discern evil temptations. Indeed, this prayer shapes one’s attitudes and ministry.

8. FOCUS ON WARFARE: Boldly take authority against the evil one; command his strongholds to crumble.


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