Awaken The Dawn


T hank you so much for letting me share with you my insights and experiences in prayer. I hope you are more encouraged to pray on a daily basis than ever before. Now, how do you feel about early morning prayer? Personally, I am more convinced, but sometimes there are problems.... This morning my alarm sounded with such ferocity at 5:15 that I literally bounded out of bed. But it had been a late night, so I thought maybe I could skip morning prayer today? I crawled back into bed. My goal was to get up for six o’clock prayer. At 5:45 my wife said “Ernest, this is not like you, aren’t you going to get up?” I have missed before, but my beloved companion has never made any comments! I rallied my strength and got up. I could not stay in bed on the day that I finished my book on early morning prayer! I used every argument in this book to get out of bed! Finally, I rolled out of bed and headed for prayer. Needless to say, the prayer time, as always, was great— just a wonderful time with the Lord. Jesus, the most famous pray-er of all time hit the nail squarely on the head


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