Awaken The Dawn

The Astounding Prayer Life of Jesus

on revelation that had previously come during a season of prayer.

And so they removed the stone. And Jesus raised His eyes, and said, “Father, I thank Thee that Thou heardest Me. And I knew that Thou hearest Me always; but because of the people standing around I said it, that they may believe that Thou didst send Me.” 17

The fact that Jesus thanked the Father clearly shows that Jesus had already communed with God, and He knew God’s will in the matter. His supposedly foolish action becomes an actual outworking of the will of the Father in kingdom power. Everybody Needs the Helper Jesus had help praying. Think for a moment about pray- ing all night on a mountain. What inspired Jesus to send His disciples off while He remained alone on a moun- tain in the darkness of night? How does a person pray alone for hours at a stretch? Admittedly, there must be an affinity for God, a longing for His presence. A pray- ing person must have a strong belief system and deep- seated convictions. Such a person, we say, has faith. There is, however, another dimension that must not be overlooked. I speak of the heavenly “Helper” whom we know as the Holy Spirit. Long periods of prayer on a mountain (or anywhere else) would be difficult, if not impossible, without the aid of the blessed Holy Spirit. Jesus could speak with great assurance to His disciples


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