Awaken The Dawn


It seems very important to God and Jesus that we take time to have secret rendezvous with the Father. This, then, is a foundational truth of prayer: your Friend from heaven (who has unlimited power and resources) desires to meet with you regularly in some private, secluded place where He can personally hear, evaluate and give help to bring your heart’s desires to pass. Like Jesus, we may all pray in various places. It is best to find your own private place of prayer where interrup- tions can be minimized. A consistent meeting place and time will reap rich dividends for your prayer life. God likes it. Jesus said so. You will find it to be so. And, you will find the early morning hour one of the best sugges- tions you will ever take up as the appointed time for your prayer meeting. Secret #2. Never Give Up! In Luke 18:1-8 is one of Jesus’ parables. There is no mistaking the two points of the parable, for Luke says: “Now He was telling them a para- ble to show that at all times they ought to pray and not to lose heart.” The Williams translation states both points strongly: first, “how necessary it is for people to pray always,” and second, “never give up.” We all tend to give up too easily. Jesus urges us to pray on even when it seems that an answer isn’t forthcoming. Sometimes we feel that repeating a request shows unbelief. It may, but it need not. Jesus undoubtedly taught us this because He Himself repeated requests. One classic exam- ple is in Gethsemane when He prayed to the Father and asked three times for the cup to be removed from Him. But prayer should not be a meaningless repetition of words or phrases. In Tibet and some parts of China,


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