Awaken The Dawn

Deep Personal Satisfaction, Joy and Power

First Things First In most time management courses, a marvelous secret that can transform a person’s efficiency is revealed. It is so simple, so workable, and yet so consistently neglected. Each evening, write down all the important things that must be done the next day. Number each item in the order of its importance. The next day, work on the most important things first. If you cannot do everything on your list that day, you will at least have the satisfaction of knowing that you have accomplished the most important things on your priority list. Applying this concept in my daily life has been as valu- able as a college education. I first heard of this idea many years ago while reading about Charles Schwaab, the pres- ident of Bethlehem Steel. Upon addressing management consultant Ivy Lee, Schwaab said: “Mr. Lee, I want to get more things done, and I’m willing to pay anything with- in reason.” Mr. Lee pulled a three-by-five card out of his pocket and handed it to Schwaab. “I want you to write down the things that need to be done tomorrow, in the order of their real importance. When you come to work tomorrow, I want you to work on number one until it is completed. At the end of the day, write a new list. Try this system as long as you like, then have your staff try it. Evaluate this activity, and send me a check for what you think it’s worth.” A few weeks later, Mr. Lee received a check for $25,000! For maximum results (both spiritually and practically), make number one on your daily list an hour of prayer at the beginning of the day. Most business men feel that “The assessment of daily priorities should be the first 71

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