Starkey House Captains book 2019

T hings we will miss most about our house

Without a doubt, the greatest thing we will miss about Starkey is the sense of belonging and family. This year has seen some great improvements to the overall House spirit. We are going to be leaving such a tight group of individuals from all age groups that we have grown so close to over the year. We have both made so many new friends and relationships that we will forever cherish. As well as this, we will definitely miss working with our Carnival Captains and the rest of our Year 12 cohort in finding new ways and working towards implementing our legacy as much as possible. Most importantly, the time that we spent with Miss Green. We both found so much joy in working with Miss Green this year, and we always found new ways to make stressful situations a reason to laugh!

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Somerset College Starkey House Captains Handbook

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