Alcala Yearbook 1999

Academic Programming BrianBecker

The 8oa l of" arndemic pro8rci mmin 0 i-.:,room. l hi,,; direclor plans ··colke Talks.. in t;6D~ /\roma.,. 11 also or5cin i1. s a va ricLy of' fidd Irips to 8ivc Ihe sLude11L,'> a 11ew perc>ipcclive 01 subjecL,'i wh ich lhe f3culLy cci n shure exJe11c1,ive a11d/ r inLc rcsl.in8 k11owlec\3c. IL 0 ivo everyone a cha11ce Lo 0 cL lo know one unol h r. 6tudenl,-.:, apply whal Lhc v lrnv= learned and focull.v rn I1~..., e Lhi11 2:s in new wavs. /\ mai11 evcnl / I l) / for Lhis dircclor is Col lq)e l":low l-a sLudenL Jeopardy 0 amc. The t: :o Colle.3e bowl cliampio11-.\\ f:P on Lo compeLe a 6 ain.);L other un ivc r,.,il ie-c1, in Ih west.em U.6. hrian wfls Ihe Direc tor or /\cad mic Pro 0 ramm i115 lor· Lhe I_.all scme,..,I. r and KcirinUC. I amnl ·o r spo1sibl ror Cafe /\sy lum. a monl.hly ope 11 forum or· c x..pre&-.:,io1 l.111ou 0 h mu<'iic. poetry. ,.rnd acl.i11 0 U1aL is h=lJ in /\ romas. The J\.,y lum 8ivcs crcdiL lo it,,.., Lale11Led co11LribuLor., i::lnd is availabl Lo Lhe cnlirc:: lJ6D communi ty. Lau r n was Lh ~ ,\.,y lum edit or for U1e l_.all K m sLer and Mar 0 ie Pi re look over in Ihe 6prin 0 scme.,I. r. AsylumEditor Lauren Chaput /\,..,yl um i~'i lJ6D'c>i li L rnry mac,J1. ine. IL includ s 01\si11a l i::lllwor·k.

Athletic Programming &Secretary ofAthletics Scott Bergen&3on Westerland Tlic , 1 oc1I ol Ihe""-~ cillil·e 1; i,; le, incrcc1,;c 1;Ch I ,1;piril. lonill \'. a111.:I uni[\'. 0 .I .I / . Ihrc,11_sh Ihe ,;11p~x,rl ol al hie! ic,;_ Wil h Ihe hcl~1ol Lite .'\ iltlcl.ic1; ~ co 111111il lee . o l h_o .~6 l)ircc l 01"..1,. and_ lJ11il c d l' ro 11I. nr ~rnm 111c 1-,;. & ·ol l a11d ,Jon plan acl 1vtl Ic.,; ( ,;11clt cL'i , ... r 1....

lc1i l 0 ai c.,;) lo c 11c"our,i.3c .,;l11dc 11l~ lo come' oul Lo lite coml"X.'I ii ion,,; .~1101her rc1;p.., n,;ibilily i,1; lo ,,;upply Ilie s1,l 111.. --lc 11I boJv wil h it1 k )rmc1 l i II r ,:;c11\_1i11~ 11oc"o111i11 ~ • / L. L i C cil ltlci il· even I,,;.,;piril i11L-cnl ivc ,; (me3apho11c ,;_ ,,:,__:ltcdulc 11Ia1 1 11c l.,;. ck.) and Ir:-in,;n.1rl c1 Iion Io ,liOme c1 wav ~amc,1;_ 0 r - / C lite l orc t{) Tip--l 'lll wa"' .\I hlcl ic,;· bi.s3o l evenI Ihi$ year. ~) t'L)lfll lo c1 Itt1L 1 t111cc !Ital l hc ,;ludc nl boo.,;lci cl ub. lhc llcdi 0 an,;_u11-..--l l hc F.,c p--ba11L1 \x·crc l011ndcd in 1998 i11 co11ju 11dion willt Ilic Al hie. lie l )q)t1d111cnl

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