Alcala Yearbook 1999

CoMcerts David S1-1mpter

The Dir dor or Concc l'IJ wo1'k£ Lo brinc3 H11'iou§; arli£lcs Lo 60 for Lo increa~ ~Luci nl nlerla inmenl on campus. As a whol . Lh concert commill coo1-dinc3 Les Lhe diffc renl mm,ica l evenL.s on campuQ'). such a · nooner~. Lail8aleh. bands in 1oma£. ah well as lcir8 r venin8 concerL,<,_ Th diredo1' a11d Ll1e comm iLLec are responsibl for l h produdions, from bookin8 Lh a,ti~L.\ Lo hirin8 Le hnicians and · curily. lo seLLin8 up ½La8cs.

Corporate RelatioMs Mike MilligaM

As Direclor of' 01'porale Qelalion~ I all polenlial sponsor~ Lo

01pornl Qclalio1rn. Lhe



C1-1lt1-1ralArts 31-1l ieLiMehaM

I am in char8e of plannin8 and coordinal in8 even~<, relalin8 Lo Lh aler. music, and art The bi8 fall evenl was bQII VO! Murder M)1r!'"le1) ni8hl. The aclorn incorpornl d Lhe sludenls in Lhe ~how. and one of Lhe sludenls wa · l he murd r r. [ven~<, k)I' Ll1e holida" I sea~on incl uded '!tie ul ra k r and '/11 Grinch Tha t 6Lolc hri6Lma6. In Lh prin 0 ~eme~L r we w nl Lo a mu ~cum in L · An8ele½ and ~penl a day al l:)alboa Pa,+. Tap Do 6

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