Alcala Yearbook 1999

At Left: Don' t me s w ith these lad ies! AS Execu ti ve Office Secretari es: Sara Strauhal, Amy Gi lmour, Erika Klein, Je s ie Me rri ga n, Da rcy Belfigli o, Tawnya Lydick, and Kristi Bell. Below: Elections were hi-tech thi year w ith the use of the new Ma c' . Stu– dents logged in to cast their votes. This mad e tallying and onetime vo t– ing a nap to keep track of.

Above: The AS Director and Sena– tors Office secretil ries show some class. AS tha nk Lisa Chri tia nsen, Laci Farner, Eliza beth Hagen, Jen ni– fer Lechi, and Anna Mu lgrew fo r all their ha rd work.

At Left: The Giving Tree was a gr a t ucce thi yea r. Th gifts overflowed thank to the USO community's do– nation s a nd th e Specia l Projec t Committee' dedica tion a nd orga ni– za tion.

As~ocia ted StuJ cnb ·1·17

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