Alcala Yearbook 1999

Gamma Phi Bela

Camma Phi 13e l a ic\-\ an or8a ni zalion lhaL promo l s personal and inle leclual 8rowlh. This 0omrily is composed o f 110 oynamic wome n. M rnbe rs parlicipale in many sisle rhood, sporl in8, and social evenls. many o t which are UoD sponsored. Camma Phi 13e la e ncoura8es hi8h sl andards o f e xcel lence in l he areas o f scho larshi p and communily serv ice . Our CPI\ Lh i · year was above lhe all wome ns avera8e and many oF our membe rs have recieved academic sho larsh ips. o isle rc\-\ hav access lo a varie ly o f pm8ramc-; and oppo ,t unilies fo r communily · rvice. Camma Phi 13e la also has ils own communily se rvic pm8rams. These incl ude a annual school-wide volleyba ll lournamenl Lhal suppo1'ls our ph ilanlhropy, Camp Qeach 101' l he ola r's , a camp for· Children wilh cance r. Membe 1's of Gamma Phi 13e la no l o nly pmmo le our o r·8anizaalion wilh lhe ir invo lvemenl. bul Lhey are also aclive parl.icipanls in alrnosl eve ry UoD o r8ani zalion and Lea rn. Copy llbmil I cd by C.amma Phi Elda

Gamma Phi Be lil 133

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