Alcala Yearbook 1999
Below: Look at these muscles' Pre– ceptori al group #43 shows off their streng th.
probably lhe llOllesl day of lhe year-say 107
dq:;rees in lhe shade!Carloads of new sl udent.s and lheir
parent.s bq:;in lo ca ravan in bri~)ll and early. As vehicles
pull inlo every space avai lable near each residence hall.
swa rms of blue l-shirled help arrives l o carry everylhin8
sludent.s miiShl need lhisyea r up lo lheir new homes.Mler
meelin8 mornmales, sellin8 up cornpulers and lelevisions.
and han8in8 poslers. il's lime for l he parenls lo leave and
colle8e lile lo be8in.
week is desi8ned lo
8ive freshmenand lransfer·sludent.s an en l ire weekLo 8 l
acql1ainled wilh UoD before classes aclually slarl. ll
allows for new sludenls lo 8el lo know eacholher as we ll.
O-Team Leaders worked hard lo coordinale lhis
educaliona l, informalive, and fun-fi lled week. r-JiiShliiShls
include a luau , Casino NiiShl. a lrip lo 6ea World , an
evenin8 cruise. and lrips lo l he beach. ;. ll was like summer
camp. You mel new people and we were always doin8
some fun aclivily. The best. icebreaker was lhe hoedown–
-Imel more people l hal niiShl lhan all lhe resl of O-Week
combined," commenled freshman Erica onow. week of fon aclivi lies. bul il also assisls sludenls wil h lhe plannin8 of Lheir col leoe careers and life al U0D. ( Of'\' [,_v 'la11-.,3 Post Orienlalion is nol only a
Orientation Week 11
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