Alcala Yearbook 1999

USD's Toureros are the e lite tour gui d s o f our Univers ity. Whil e giv in g d a il y t ou rs t o p ros p e ti ve s tud ents a nd p ar nts is the ma in object ive, th e g r o up is a lso respons ibl e for USD's A nnu a l Coll ege Vis iting Day, coll ege fairs fo r area h ig h sch oo ls, ph o nin g p ros p ec ti ve s tud e nts, an d giv in g h igh - pro fil e t o u rs c1 t th e admini s trc1 ti on 's requ es t.

Th e Alc a la C lub was fo rmed beca u se our fo undin g memb e r s beli eved tha t a service organzia ti on was need ed for the University. There was ye t to be an orga ni za ti on on campus d edica ted to serv ing the p resid ent and the USO community. The Alcala Club was fo rmed as tha t se r v ice orga ni za ti on o f men and won1 en w ho work w ith Presi d ent Hayes as offi cial representa ti ves of the univers ity. We ac t as lia isons between the USO community and the va ri ous gues ts who visit ou r campus. As the s tudent rep resenta ti ves of the

University, we greet and regis ter gues ts, answer qu estions about USO, and work a t va rious events sponsored by d iffe rent USO d epartments. Some of the events tha t we a ttend are: the Mass of the Holy Spirit, President's Dinner, Famil y Weekend s and invisible university fun ctions.

Stud cnl rga ni za l ion~ 157

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