Alcala Yearbook 1999

University Minis

th rou ghout the year. Stud ents a re able to lea rn more about th e San Diego and surrounding areas w hil e furth ering the mi ssion of the Univers ity . Uni versity Mini s try offers fifteen r tr a ts each school yea r. Th e large va ri e ty of retrec1 ts answer to the need s of in comin g, curr ent, and g r c1 duat e tud ents, c1s well c1s faculty c1 nd s tc1ff. Seven s tud e nt-run g roup s c1nd a Resid ence-Living-Option allow s tud en ts to carry th e support and interac tion of Un ive r s it y Mini s try throu g h th e ir everyd ay lives . Seeking to enri ch th ntire USO campu s, UM s taff and tud ents have ta ken the mi ssion of mini try far beyond church wa lls, to mini s te r to th entire pe rso n and community .

From aca d emi cs, to soc ial, to

communit y a nd iss u e, Uni vers ity Mini s try incorp ora tes all aspec ts of life a t USD. A valuable as ' e t to s tudents, fa culty, s taff a nd a lumni , UM works fo r th e d ev lopn, ent of the full USO community member. Univer ity Mini s try has, perhaps, one of the bus ies t schedules on campus a nd few a t USO could be unaware of its prese n ce. Th ey g ive s tud ents th e opportunity to pa rti cipa te in liturgy throu g h d a il y ma s, weekl y mass and p enance services. Stud ents are also abl e to enri ch their spiritu al live out id e of church in a large va ri e ty of ac tiviti es . Stud ents and s ta ff par ti cipa te in 8 ongoing community servi ce projec ts as well as many special ou treach ev nts r e li g io u s

Univl'r~it y 'vlini~try 173

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