Alcala Yearbook 1999
Below: The women of Alpha Phi were awarded the Dean's Trophy during halftime.
' There
i far more to Homecomin3 than a 3ala dinner/
dance. Iiomecomin8 is aboul rememberi~ lhe hislory of
lhe Univer ily and welcomin8 alumni and lheir families back
lo U8D. Graduales relurn lo see how lhe campus has
chan8ed. 8ludenls celebrale lhe crownin8 of lhe f[ 0ffieCOmif18 Ki"3and Qi_een and cheer on an exciLi~ foolball 8ame.
The 1998 U8D Torero foolball leam played hosl lo
fairfteld Universily. The lands were packed wilh ludenls,
parenls, and alumni lhal were filled wilh school piril. The
laclium was roarin8 wilh cheerin8 fans, dressed in blue
and while and proud lo be Toreros. Al halfLime, Dr. Judilh
Liu was reco8nized for her supporl ofsludenl-sponsored
pro8rams, Alpha Phi and Lambda Chi were presenled wilh
lhe Dean's Trophy, and Mall Knoll and Kri Len Jones were
crowned Iiomecomin8 Kin8 and OQ_een. Thal eveni~, lhe week was sent out in tyle as students danced the ni8hl away al an Island Paraclise held al lhe Del Mar
fair8rounds. Copy by Mari'ISa Posl
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