Alcala Yearbook 1999

Below: Kell y Reno, Kiplcy Pereles, ;ind Hol leeCh;,pma n arc ~II dressed up a nd ready for i1 night on the town.


year is a lime of dedication and commitment to one If and ones future .Mosl sludents are close Lo Fulftllin8

their 8eneral education requirements and are focused upon

the ir chosen majors. Doubts still exist bul many are

confident Lhal the ir studies have some direction. & nior

year i in si8hl and juniors envision their lives in lhe "rea l world". Its also a 8real Lime Lo pa.rlicipale in under8ra.dua.Le

s~udy abroad pro8rams. Toreros venture Lo such exolic

locales a 8pai n, En81and, and 8oulh America. 1 he ClaSB of 2000 i ' buildin8 the ir base for the "ftne Lunin8" of senior year. They have created and be8un work

toward their own vision for their lives.

Above : H ea th e r Above: Marie Perry, Je n Roosa, Simas and Jasmine and Tim Bronner McMillan visit San e njoy dinn e r wi th Francisco and catch fri ends in the B;,hia the breezeonPier39. Apartments.

At Left: Emily Jo nes gets her own ba lloon ha t at the orvette Din e r in Hi llcre t while celebra ting a friend's 20th b irth– day.

Junior Cla 49

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