Alcala Yearbook 1999
Below: Colachis Plaza is a popular p lace for s tud y ing o r s nooz in g between classes. The warm sun and fountain mu rmu r are enoug h to send anyone to dreamland .
Chartered in 1949 and founded by lhe Mosl
Qeverend Bishop Charles f mncis Buddy, the University
of c%n Die8o celebrates its 50th anniversary in 1999. Continuin8 pro8ress led to the openin8 of the 8an Die8o Colle8e for Women in f ebruary 1952, under
the care of Qeverend Mother Qosalie Cliflon fiill and
the oociety of the 8acred Iieart. The Colle8e for Men
followed in 1954, sponsored by the Diocese of 8an
Die8o. The 8chool of Law was also established in 1954
the U8D
and opened on campus in 1957. Today
community includes professional schools of Business
i\drninistration, Education, Law, and Nursin8. 8t. f rancis
& rninary also offers instruction to under8mduate men
as they aspire to the Qomen Catholic priesthood. The
fu ll unification of the Colle8es of Men and Women was official in July, 1972. i\ mission and V1S10n were laid
out to nurture and develop with the 8oals of academic
exce llence, values, individual di8ni ty, holism, and
Catholici ty.
Above: Visions get silly at a birthday party in the Bahia Apartments for friends, Sarah Cook and Laci Farner. At Left: This kios k is s taffed by students who greet visitors as they enter the new main driveway at USD. Permits and informationare provided. Some will be directed straight ahead to the new parking structure.
U8D is holistic in that it offers human intellectual,
physica l, emo ti onal, spiritual, social, and cultura l
development. Iiowever, since 1949 the students have
witnessed many of these developments in the University
Continuing the Vision 3
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