News Scrapbook 1974-1975

SOUTHERN CROSS, December 19, 1974-17

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ZU-c.. ;). Cl,, ~f p.8-r USO to offer B.A. program 'after hours' Next semester at University of San Diego ciassrooms won't darken until 10 p.m. The university is opening a mght bachelor's degree program next month that will allow students to earn the bachelor of arts or science ~egree without ever attending a day- time course. In its first semester of operation, the night program will consist of about 80 courses with the emphasis on business administration and edu- cation - areas wher e degree seekers are most like I y to be emp- loyed by day and looking for career- boosting credentials. Some master's degree programs in business and other academic areas, and all education programs, will be available after the traditional hours at USO. But the basic four-year college degree in the estal:llished academic disciplines will also be available to night students. When the potential for a night program was first discussed , Dr. Raymond Brandes, director of grad- uate and special programs at USO , thought the program would draw most of its students from community college two-year degree holders who wanted to finish up work for the B.A. But in checking with the Universi- ty of San Francisco, where night programs are 50 years old, Brandes said it now appears just as many people without college degrees will register as those with two-year de- grees. The same faculty will be teaching the same courses which have been available during the day - and USD's tuition for the night courses will also be the same as the day's. For undergraduates, that will mean a charge of $195 per course Brandes says financial aid applica- tions will be available along with registration materials. Hours for registration are from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. starting Jan. 6 in room 108 of Founders Hall on the campus. Brandes expects course offerings to change in response to demands of those enrolling.

New bishop, new parishes, new churches 1974: A year of growth for diocese

Soulhern Cro s Reporter 1974 was a y .ir th<1t wtll undoubtedly keep future g,•nerat1ons of h1\torians extremely busy . It w.,~ before Christ Within the Church, Pope Paul named the Titular Bi hop of Margamel , Msgr Gilbert Chavez. It was an appointm nt of great importance to the U S 1n genl• and the San Diego diocese 1n particular M gr Ch,tvez becam the second Mexican-Amer- ican b,shop in the U S. and the third Auxiliary 81,hop of San Diego He was ordained a bishop on Jurw 21 BORN IN Ontario in 1932, Bishop Chavez was ordained for th diocese in 1960 He taught at Aqum s high school, San Bernardino, and later serv d as chaplain at the Norco Drug Rehabil1tat1on Center In 1969 he became pastor of St. Anne' s San Diego, <1nd in 1971 he was appointed pastor ~f the San Ys,dro parish of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. He Wil~ named a monsignor in 1972, and in 1974, Bishop Leo T M.iher appointed him episcopal vicar for M -Americans in the diocese . Also 1n 1974· JANUARY - Snow, rain storms strand priests, halt Masses in many parts of d icoe e . - Eight episcopal vicars appointed as representa- tives of bishop . - St . Joseph ' s Cathedral enters centennial year. -"Pro life memorials" recall Supreme Court abortion decision of Jan 22 , 1973 . - rath r Hugh McNelis, Palm De ert, invested a moM1gnor - Stewardship '74 begins, $2 million goal set . -Fuel shortages turn watchful eyes toward parish, diocesan thermostats . - f ath r William Mooney re-elected president ot' Prie t ' Senate FEBRUARY - California court rules private school tuition tax er dits invalid -Fire d strays Catholic Community Services building, El Centro - National Conference of Christians and Jews fetes Bob Hope in San Diego - Diocesan Pastoral Congress convenes; Cardinal Sergio P1gnedoli ·of Rome participates . -Msgr John Cummins , executive director of California Catholic Conference, named auxiliary Bishop of Sacramento -Rosary high school, San Diego, marks silver anniversary MARCH -St. Louis parish , Cathedral City, dedicates chu rch - Diocese' s "smallest parish ," St. Paul' s, Lucerne Valley, dedicates first church . - Philip Y Hahn donates $1 million to establish nursing school at University of S~D1-=-eg,._o::.:·--- -Episcopal Bishop Robert Wolterstorff of San Diego consecrated in lmmaculata chapel , University of San Diego campus . ----- -Stewardship '74 surpasses $2 million goal. APRIL -Future appointment of a sister as " associate v1caress" of religious announced . -St Nicolas Byzantine church, Fontana , dedicates new hall. -Msgr Gilbert Chavez named Auxiliary Bishop of San Diego -Sister Sara Murrieta named director of Padre Hida lgo Center - St Bernardine Hospital, San Bernardino, dedicates S15 million addition . -Msgr Owen Hannon , San Diego, dies . MAY - Father William Sullivan , OSA, named assistant ~uperintend nt of schools for diocese.

HISTORIC EVENT - Perhaps the most newsworthy event for the diocese in 1974 was the ordination of Msgr. Gilbert Chavez as Auxiliary Bishop of San Diego, only the second Mexican-American bishop in the U.S. Near the end of the three-hour ceremony June 21, Bishop Leo T. Maher , second from left , invited Mrs. Ramona Chavez on stage to share the joy of her son. At far left is Bishop Patrick Flores, the country's first Chicano bishop, of San Antonio , and at far right is Archbishop John Quinn of Oklahoma City. -SC photo

announces $2 .-4 mi ll ion expansion . -Father Will iam Ortmann named di rector of clergy personnel board . - Or. Irene Sabelberg Palmer named first dean of Philip Y. Hahn School of Nursi ng at USO. - SEPTEMBER -William Standing named diocesan director of development. -SC announces Holy Year tours of Californ ia missions . -USO announces record enrollment. -Fathers Phi lip T. Watz, Fontana, and Albert De Clerck , Indio, die . - UC Rive rside Newm an Ce nter sponsors "Northern Youth Day;" 700 attend. -Bishop Maher makes " ad limina" visit to Rome . OCTOBER -Father Paul Marconi, San Diego, named Knight of Italian Republic. -Chief Administrators of Catholic Education meet in San Diego . -Msgr. Joseph O'Leary, San Diego , dies . -Center for Coordination of Black Catholic Activities opens in San Diego. i'-lOVEMBER -Father William Cadonic, San Diego, dies. -Old St. Bernardine High School, San Bernar- dino, razed . -Bishop Chavez attends his first national bishops' meeting with Bishop Maher . -10th an niversary of Vatican II ecumenism decree ce lebrated at St. Joseph's Cathedral. - U.S. bishops pledge twice-weekly fast to focus attention on world hunger. -Diocese begins televised Masses for shut-ins. DECEMBER -Bishop Maher celebrates Marriage Encounter Mass . -3,000 gather for Our Lady of Guada lupe celebration in San Diego. -Bishop Chavez leads OLG festivities in many parts of diocese. - Pope announces canonization of Blessed Mother Seton, fi rst native American saint. -New University high school addition dedicated . -Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the staff of the Southern Cross.

-National Black Lay Caucus, western region, meets in San Diego . -Msgr . James O' Shea, fo rmer SC editor, and Msgr Peter lynch , Riverside, celebrate 50 years in priesthood -St. George parish , Ontario, breaks ground for new church -St . Anne of the Mountains parish , Running Springs , dedicates first church ·. - USO marks silver anniversary. ' - Sisters Adorers of the Blessed Sacrament announce withdrawal from diocese. - Father Richard Dryer ordained to priesthood . JUNE - Mission San Diego de Alcala marks 205th anniversary - Joseph Remley, David Fitzgerald, Michael Newman and Brother Raymond Etienne, SVD, ordained pe rmanent deacons . -Diocese breaks ground for Cathedral Plaza, San Diego, high rise apartments for the elderly . -Clergy personnel board established . -Fathers Donald Coleman , Daniel Dillabough and Joseph Carroll ordained to priesthood . - Three parishes established: San Rafael, San Diego; St. Anthony, Upland; and St. Francis of Assisi, Palm Desert . -Cardinal Joszef Mmdszenty, former Primate of Hungary, visits diocese -Msgr. Chavez ordained Auxiliary Bishop of San Diego. - Our Lady of the Lake parish , Lake Arrowhead, dedicates church. JULY -Colonel Irving Saloman, Jewish layman, named Knight of St Gregory by Pope Paul. -Plans announced to restore Mission San Diego de Alcala rectory, the fi rst in California AUGUST - Fathers Nicolas Reveles and James Moore ordained to priesthood -Louis Principe and Robert Ekhaml ordained permanent deacons . -Catholic charismatics hold west coast reg ional in San Diego. -St. David' s parish , Apple Valley, established. - Father John Padberg, SJ , ordai ned to priesthood; the first ordination of a priest by Bishop Chavez. -St . Mary of the Desert Hospital, Apple Valley,

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