News Scrapbook 1974-1975
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Hughes, USD Pmidenc Hughe and Mrs. Philip Y. Hahn. Mrs. and Mr. Hahn are che bcnefaccors of the newly creared posc-R degr~ program ar rhe university. (Details in Straws in the Wind column ar lefc.)
Chamng ac chc: Unm:rncy of San Diego Presidenr's 1.Jb dinner, hdd Jcurday ac Founders Hall on rhe campu , ue, from the Jefc; Mrs. Hel~n Anne Bunn, member of ch,e Pres1denc Club Council, Mrs. Auchor
St. James Roman Catholic Church in Solana Beach. USD is rPcruitmg students by taking a van with allnussion informa- tion to parishes anll high schools.
Robert Brower, left, University of San Diego assistant admissions director, tells of advantages of attending the private "athollc-oriented school during a visit to
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l, ·i:2.. 1 { Toreros Lose At Riverside RIVERSIDE -The Uni- versity of San Diego lost its seventh road game this sra- son without a win to UC Riverside last mght, 84-68. The loss evened the Toreros' season record at 7-7 and increased UC River- ' side's record to 10-5. The two ; teams are scheduled to meet 1 again next week here in San 1 Diego. t UC Riverside grabbed a 35-24 halftime advantage t and then played evenly in , the second half to prevail. The game was one of free 1 throws, with Riverside sink- ing 28 of 32 and USD con- necting with 18 of 20. Toreros' center Neil Traub hit eight of eight from the c charity line and scored 12 1 points to lead USO in a los- ' ing effort. Traub also pulled down 10 rebounds. Others scoring in double figures for USD were, Allan Jones and Joe Demestri with 10 points each. Riverside out shot the Toreros from the floor. The Highlanders hit 49 per cent of their shots and USO sank 44 per cent of its shots. USO UC RIVERSIDE I Jones.A. 110) Sudds fO) Meade 171 WIiis 191 Troub (12) Koch 171 Demeslrl (101 Burnett (81 , Smllh (6} Masi 16} E USO ........................... 24 44-48 S UC Riverside .................. 35 49-14 c Other Scoring - USD : Ferguson 2, p Cathers 1. ! . Jones 2, c Strode 2, Hennessy 2, Cosenza. 6, u Severs 2, Harnett O. UCR: Reynolds 20, p Mims 20, Bowser 2, Rodgers 12. Fouled Out - USO: Cosenzo. UCR· V\i Tvler Ttchnicol Fouls- UCR : WIits Total Fouls- USO 27, UCR 21.
Road hard for ust/").' 175 EVENING TRIBUNE Dispatch RIVERSIDE - Universi- ty of San Diego continues to find the basketball road rocky. The Toreros Jost their seventh game away from home last night for an over- all 7-7 record, bowing to UC-Riverside, 84-68. Riverside took a 35-24 halftime lead and never trailed. Both clubs were hot at the free throw line. USD con- vert ng 18 of 20 and River- side 28 of 32. Neil Traub led the Toreros with 12 points and 10 rebounds. USO UC RIVERSIDE Jooos,A, (10} Sudc!,; (OJ Meade C7J Wills (9) Troub (121 Koch (7) Demestrl ( 10) Burnett (8) Smith(~) Mosl (6) USO............. , ....... 24 - UC Riverside .• • . ......... 35 49-84 Co~!:.~ 15;~,~~~e-;- 2 ,uso: Ferguson 2, Strod 2, Hennessy 2, Cosenza 6 Sev~rs 2. Harnett 6. UCR: Revnolds 20: Mli:n, 20, Bowser 2, Rodgers 12 T:i:led Out - USO: Cosenzo. UCR Te.::hnicol Fouls- UCR : Wills Toto! Fouls- USO 27, UCR 21,
day night in the formal parlor rooms of Founders Hall. Dr. and Mrs Au- thor E. Hughes greeted the 90 guests.
UMV ITY FETE - The second annual niversity of San Diego Pres- ident's Club dinner was held Satur-
Tue,day, Januory 21, 1975
Toreros Battle UCR On Road Special 10 Ttlt Soft OIHG Unkln RIVERSIDE - The Um· versity of San Di go hope tonight IS the nlght some of the lessons learn d at horn ran be put to use on the road. The Toreros, who came home to Alcala Park last weekend after fivf' tratght losses In other people's gyms, promptly won both game of the bnef wf'ek nd home tand, winning one th hard wav - an 88-85 over- Ume d d ion over Chapman - and on th easy way - 104-72 over Cal Lutheran
::i.2. 1
Piano recital "\\'aldstein Sonata No. 21" bv Beethovan and ''Les Soirees de Nazelles Suite for Piano" by Poulenc will be performed at the University of San Diego m a recital by '' Holly Koman scheduled for le 8 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 15, in a Camino Theater on campus. The recital 1s free ,f anll open to the public. " / $'-'--11.h nu -1l4.... °A -:i., 1~ 7~ Reception honors school donor A reception honoring Mr. and Mrs Philip Hahn and Irene Palmer. R.~ . Ph.D, is planned at 5 p.m. Friday al Founders Hall. University of San Diego. Mrs. James Casey, Jr., of La Jolla is being assisted by university auxiliary members Mr . Katherine Barber. arrangements: Mrs. John Hogan, flowers: Mrs . Paul Vesco, reservations: and Mrs. William Yancey, hostesses. i,
St>nrJ/; serne~ter rcgi,tr.t t1on ". lilt! L,01vers1tv of Sai l)aegu 1 scheuuled ior Jan. 2'J-3•J anu 1' et,. 3·5 for sLudenb who have uot previou Iv registered b) mail Juniors and seniors re che 2-SOUTHERN CROSS, January 23, 1975 Around the diocese '"." ---·---··- ···--· -.-.---------~-.. > U.S.J) L.;:::::::::: M~ir~p~lit~ii ~tiditib7:Js to close The Metropolitan Opera Auditions, San Diego District, sponsored by the San Diego Opera Philharmonic Society will give a $100 award for the outstanding singer- musician. p.m., San Marcos, St. Mark church, Mass, Confirmation. Bishop Gilbert E.. Chavez Thursday, Jan. 23, 5:30 p.m., San Diego, Blessed Sacrament church, Mass and Confirmation. Tuesday, Jan. 28, 5:30 p.m., Corona, St. Edward church, Mass and Confirma- tion. Wednesday, Jan. 29, 5:30 p.m., Highgrove, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mass and Confirmation. Friday, Jan. 31, 5:30 p.m., San Bernardino, St. Anthony church, Mass and Confirma- tion. * * Father William J. Frank, chaplain, Mercy and Univer• sity County hospitals, San Diego. Father Richard Duncanson Secretary portun ity to sing one of the five arias prepared for that occasion. The deadline for ap- plications is Sunday. Singers may send ap- plications, with birth certificate, picture and fee lo Mrs. Waldo K. Greiner, district director. New awards for the auditions include two performance awards to be chosen by maestro Peter Eros and Thomas Nee, for the San Diego Symphony and the La Jolla Civic Orchestra chamber con- certs, respectively. The Southern California . - Association, has announced that Natalie Limonick, coach - accompanist of Los Angeles and head of the Opera Theatre of the C niversity of San Diego School of Music, will be the guest speaker for the an- nual "Pre-hearsal'' to be held Sunday. The event will be held at 2 p.m. at the Camino Theatre at USD. It is also designed lo give each applicant of the Feb.' 1 auditions an op- T -.:a: 1. More than $700 in awards will be given the winners, as well as the opportunity lo represent San Diego in the Western Regional Finals starting March 18. The first·place winner automatically sings in the semi-finals March 20. Finals will be held March 22 at Bovard Auditorium, University of Southern California, and are broadcast by KFAC starting at 8 p.m. Bishop Leo T. Maher Sunday, Jan. 26, 10 a.m., San Diego, Young Ladies Institute, check presentation, Knights of Columbus Qub, 4425 Home Ave. Sunday, Jan. 26, 7:30 p.m., Our Lady of Angels, San Diego, installing officers San Diego County Ecumenic- al Conference. Monday, Jan. 27, 5:30 * Clergy appointments effec- tive Jan. 24: Father Eugene Flaherty, 0. Carm., associate pastor, St. Mary Star of the Sea, Oceanside. THE UNIVERSITY of San Diego has scheduled two art events for February. "Vegetables," a silk screen exh1b1t by Lous Brown De Giulio. 1s from 10 a.m until 4 p.m. weekdays At 11: 15 a m. Thursday, Feb. 20, Ted I,; Velasquez will demonstrate j -i- block printing in the Rose Room at Camino Hall on campus. The public is invited. ,,. 1 " scheduled Feb. 3·28 in l J. Founders Gallerv. public may view the exhibit The * * * * The lmmaculata, San Diego, Ladies of the Immaculata, installation of officers, 3:30 p.m., Saturday, Jan. 25. Open house following, 4116 Cobridge Way. Parishioners welcome. Details: 276-2245. · Court Ou.r Lady of Mt. Soledad, CDA, "LeVoys" fashion show, 1 p.m., Saturday, Jan. 25, St. Brigid's, San Diego. Details: 272-6437. funlverslty of San Diego, James Burns named acting dean, business school, Jack D. Boyce, Loma Santa Fe, named Vic President for Business Affairs. r • . b" USD 1975 La Jolla Liglat, J~n 23 using mo ile unit on eoucaiion ' to inform the public about the school. The admissions van also makes recruitment visits to local high schools. is this case, in word" University of San Diego admissions officers are rolling around town Sunday mornings in a blue van bringing "the word" to San Diego parishes. "The education. The van is equipped with USD catalogs, applications, brochures and staff members whose purpose is
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