News Scrapbook 1974-1975
Royal Hospirality . When Their Royal Highnesses, Prmce Sattam bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud an~ Prm- c ss Shekkah entertain as they did last night at Imperial House Restaurant, noth· Ing(!) 1s spared for the pleasure of the guests. Prince Sattam, brother of the late King Faisal of Saudi Arabi~, and his attractive young wife gave the 1mpr_omptu dinner for those who had been gracious to them and who have entertained them during their San Diego visit. . . Prince Sattam is an expansive, impul- sive young man and his guest list gr~w yesterday from 40 to nearly 75, w~1ch didn't bother Chef Alfred Vollenweider who was equal to the occasion. He super- vised five cooks who worked all day to produce the most spectacular buffets he has ever presented here. Th~ seafood display, dominated by a swordf1_sh sculp- tured in ice, included everything from lobster, shrimp and Alaskan kmg crab "cocktail claws," whole, and smoked sal- mon. Several Arable dishes were prepared by the chef who said he knew how to make them (he did) but couldn't spell or pro- nounce them. Appetites also were coddled by breast of capon saute sec, lamb curry, whole baby lamb, roast tenderloin, roast turkey, three types of rice, fresh mushrooms and crab meat, and a "bouquet" of three v~geta- bles. Baked Alaska climaxed the dmner, for which two California wines were poured for toasting. Guests were seated al 10 round tables, each centered with a candlelight~d ar• rangement of red-tipped mm1ature "minuet" roses, fuchsia peonies and pmk carnations frothed with gyp soph1Ia. Florists as well as the chef were chal- lenged as the guest list grew. They fashioned nearly 40 white orchid corsages which were presented to the women as they entered. When they left, favors - bottles of perfume - were given as mementos of an exciting evening. Frank Sokol's quartet was e_ngaged to play during cocktail hour and dmner. Two violinists strolled among the tables. Princess Shekkah favors long dresses for daytime as well as evening. She made a quick change from the casual long dress she wore to Sea World yesterda~ aftern_oon to a beautiful model by the Italian design- er Valentino. . Monday, she and her San Diego friend, Mrs. Francisco Marty, were chauffeured to Disneyland for a private tour and lunch at Club 33. "Only way to go," says pretty Mrs. Marty who was at the party last night. Yesterday Prince Sattam and his party visited the San Antonio del Mar develop- ment in Baja California with ~r. Marty, who is associated in that proJect with a cousin Juan Santana, secretary of eco- nomics in Baja and a director of the development. The Martys' teenaged son Chico, who was on the Disneyland trip, learned that Their Royal Highnesses' son and h!s friend Aziz, will come here to study this summ'er and surf with him. . Their Royal Highnesses and their en- tourage of 10 are experted to leave today.
llar E r ti Ill Called •rrrial by Ordeal'
SOUTHERN CROSS, May 29, 1975-13
Vikki Carr at USO graduation 'That piece of paper is just a start'
the purpose of government is to secure these rights." Referring to the words of Aleundcr Hamilton. he said that the,e rights "are writ- ten, as with a sunbeam. in the whole volume of human nature by the hand of divinity itself a;,d can never be obscured or erased by mortal power. Bbhop Maher continued: "For if there is no higher ta", there is no basis for saying that any man-made law is unjuM. "IF THERE is no natural law, there are no natural rights; and if there are no natural rights, the Bill of Right; b a delusion and everything a man posses~ - es-his life and his liberty- is held by sufferance of government. "If there are no eternal truths, 1f everything changes, then we may not complain when the standard of citizenship changes from freedom to servility and when democracy lapses into tyranny."
former Oregon
l:i hon Saq.~ Grad.· i..: houl his "second home, San Diego." He graduated from the undergraduate school m 1%5. MISS CARR, whose cita- tion carries her real name of Florencia Bisenta de Casilla Martine, Cardona , was hon- ored for her work for many deserving causes. particular- ly those affecti_ng her fellow Mexican-Americans. At the undergraduate afternoon ceremony Bishop Maher spoke of the_ "'three kinds of faith" which are major pillars of the Americ~n system- belief in God, behef in the ability of education to develop human potentialities and belief that science as- sured benign and continual progress. "But in the last couple of decades," he added, "all three pillars have undergone a great deal of chipping and cracking.·· HE SPOKE of the "grow- ing climate of seculariza- tion.,. making worldly values absolute , restricting religion into an ever smaller sphere, gradually eliminating its _in- fluence in pohllcal, social, moral and cultural life. "Unless man"s conscience is enlightened by the knowl- edge of principles that ex- press God's law, there can be no firm or lasting morality," he said. Gov. McCall's son, Tom Jr. , was among those gradu- ating from the law school with magna cum laude honors in last Sunday's ceremony. SPEAKING to the gradu- Southern Cro, Reporters It "as V1kk1 Carr. alumna of Lo ngelc barrios, who put 11 o succinctly at the University of San Diego graduation. • That piece of paper 1siust n start-It's what you do after you walk out of here that counts," she said. "It's what you're going to do for mankind " SHI:: spoke from the center stage at the Civic Theatre, San Diego, where 560 stu- dent~ graduated officially Sunday, in separate cere- mon1 s of the Law School and the undergraduate colleges . As the new recipient of an honorary degree, she quickly clutched h r pulse, like a TV doctc;>r. a Bishop Leo T. Maher addrc ed her formal ly as "Dr Vikki Carr." USO also h nored a former student, a Pnncc of Saudi Arabia, " on of the Lord of Arabia." a the citation put it. He was Prmce Sattam bin Abdula,i, Al-Saud. IN MORNING ceremonies the Law School be towed a s1m1lar honorary doctorate of laws on former Gov. Tom McCall of Oregon, when 246 J .D. degrees were awarded. Bishop Maher, as chair- man of the board of USD trustees, presided at both ceremonie , "'ith the uni• versity pre ident Dr. Author E. Hughes Jr., board and faculty members forming a colorful bac drop. The orince said he was too overcome with emotion to make any speech. and that he was thankful to be back in to them urged governor legal their consider using talent in public service at the state or national level. ·•1t I a rare and foolish pubhc official who does not work closely with lawyers in forming legislative programs or in making major policy decisions. '"But the attorney's role m government can go beyond that of coun elor," he said. "As Oregon's chief execu- tive I have seen that a legal education equips an individ- ual well for administration." HE WARNED graduates, though, to keep the purposes of American government firmly in mind, "to establish justice, promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty." Those principles must re- main with you "whether you find yourselves in adv<><:acy against government or m governmental ervice" to prevent George Orwell's pre- dictions for 1984 from becom- ing reality by 2000. and to keep those principles alive "until the sun burns this planet to a crisp." Concluding the list of speakers at the la\\ school graduation , Bishop Maher urged graduates to remem- ber the moral basis for our laws. QUOTING THE preamble to the Declaration of Inde- pendence he reminded the audience that "all men are created equal, endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, and that .. is "What 'DR. VIKKl'-Slngln3 tar Vikki Carr, after beln3 presented an honorary doctorate de3ree from USD by Bishop Leo T. Maher and USD President Author E. Hughes Jr., proceeds to the rostrum to address the graduating class as "Dr. Vikki Carr" .-SC photo to I E MEXICANO-Entertainer Vikki Carr spoke proudly of her ~L1!!'.~~!~!nTa~ces~ at graduation of USD at Civic Theater, San Ddlego,Awhthen shEe ex h I talkln to from left USD Prest ent u or • :ce~ed;" h;~ 0 :1:=b!1~:C:ui:z~ AJ.s!ud: of Saudi 'Arabia, also honored, and e:~ 0 ;s .,;~• T. ~aher, chairman of USD trustees, [Story, page 13.]-SC photo - GRADUA~ON DAY-This scene was repeated Sunday as graduates of the University of s Diego begin to Ole Into the Civic Theatre, Sao Diego, where the university conferred 560 degrees to undergraduate and law school students In separate ceremonies. The theater was filled IO 3,000 capacity for the undergraduate ceremony In the afternoon. Photo shows the 246 law school graduates starting the ceremonial march Into the theater for the morning commencement.-SC photo o • service La Jolla women cited for community The Soroptimist Club of La Jolla has selected 10 women to receive a special award for community ser- vice as the club's participation in International Women's Year proclaimed by the United ations General Assembly for 1975 . The 10 women were guests of honor at a breakfast yesterda~ morning at La Valencia Hotel. Their names will be engraved upon a bronze scroll to be mounted on a permanent display board in tl>e the committee for the selection of at The Bishop's students Al-'S Schools. She was chairman for many years for committee area the of Experiment in International Living, an exchange program for students at the high school and college level. he also served on the board of the Institute of International Education. principle of La Jolla High School, since retirement has extended her service projects. She is chairman of Society; on the Town Council she is head of the volunteers committee; She is chairman of the La Jolla High Scholarship Foundation and was one of the founders of the American Red Cross, Cancer Society, Heart Association and Multiple Sclerosis Foundation. Dr. Anita V. Figueredo was the first woman doctor from Cost.a Rica and in 1948 became the first woman Virginia Grizzle, retired vice- research, La Jolla Historical and the Town Forum. American volunteer Field Service. Other services include the "Mother of the Year" award and the same year received from the Pope the Pro Ecclesiae award for her Acancer specialist, Dr. Figueredo lectures on cancer prevention and cure and is the regional chairman of the San Diego District American work in the church. doctor to perform in San Diego. major surgery In 1954 she won San Diego's La Jolla Public Library. In introducting the "Women of James Harvey Service," Mrs. Pricer, chairman, said "It is a privilege to live rn a community where people have so much great the welfare of one for concern another. "This concern has enriched the lives of all of us from small children to senior all areas of need ... physical, mental, civic and cultural." Selected as "Women of Service" are: Gertrude M. Patch, lauded for the support she has given continually to the Gillispie Child Care Association The as:;ociation has evolved from a small group of women providing a milk fund for children in 1931 to the present facility at 7380 Girard Ave. which cares for 265 children daily with a paid st.aff of 26, and a special Mrs. Patch has served as the president of th~ association, 1963· 1965, has man~ed the Thrift Shop since 1965 working with volunteers Margaret Breder was introduced as the first chairman of League House, a nonprofit and nonsectarian residence home for retired persons It was started 20 years ago with 15 apartments and expanded to 'n units in 1961. Further expansion is on the planning board. Mrs Breder has worked continually on the building program and operation of League summer program. four days a week. of moderate means. • Cancer Society. Civically, she has served a term as the La Jolla Civic president of Orchestra Association and 12 yeau as a trustee on the Town Council, returning for two more terms, one as vice-president. the joined she , Recent movemen o establish the recently chartered Women's B nk of San She has served the Universit of Sa!Ll)iego for five years as vice- chairman of the board of trustees Academic Affairs. She was a leader in the merger of the two schools. Oiego. and presently chairman of House. retired a Gretchen Rudnick, teacher, organized the La coool --._._........_....__j -----------
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