News Scrapbook 1974-1975
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For Sister Bremner
;\frs. Carlos Tavares of La Jolla and Mrs Henry G. Fenton are chairmen of the tea to be held Aug. 1 at University of San Diego in honor of S1stPr Mariella Bremner. The occasion will mark the honored guest's 25 years of service to the university and community Sister Brt>mner, who holds three de• gr. , ervcd as pnncipal of the Convent of the Sacred HPart m Lake Forest; Ill., befor becoming registrar at Baral Col· li>ge, Lake For t. Jn 1950 she became the first registrar at San Diego College for Women wh1C'h was incorporated into USD. Since 1969 she has bP.f'n alumm executive secretary at USD and she will continue that role pa1t•llme rwxt year while assum• ing her new posillon of associate vicar for relig1ou. In the San Diego Roman Catholic diocese. ~rs. James R Davis is president of the USD auxiliary which will !jive a tea after 2 p.m. Mass. On the tea committee are "1mes. John Athaide, James D. Casey Jr., Robert Cihak, William Buckley' Richard Woltman, Joseph Bennett, Harry A. Col· lins, D. C. Ferguson and Robert Lewis Maw. -...o "~-
4-SOUTHERN CROSS, June 12, 1975 A ti me to keep by Michael Newman Every man/woman his/her own theologian
/~ 7.)- As this piece will focus somewhat on matters .. ,...,_. In a report by "l ask f-orce Chair One" (not chairperson). E:mily Champagne, 1s the statement that "the few resolutions which were pa:,s d generally were directed at sexist policii>s \.\ 1th in individual groups (The Roman Catholic Church and the Salvation Army) " Finally 1t 1~ worth noting-in their own words- "that i-;ow recogni;es the doub!e oppres• s1on of women who are lesbians and ... be 1t r 'solved that OW acknowledge the oppression of lesbians as a legitimate concern of feminism " Earlier rn the document NOW states that although "lesbians were never excluded from NOW. we have been evasive or apologetic about their presence within the organ1ut10n ...we have treated thPm as step-sisters. " NOW is a force set to continue to influence our legislators. This will give you some idea of what the Wall Street Journal described state bar examinations for attorneys as "tnal by ordeal." A friend of mine, who by any standards 1s no academic sluggard, already having a double doctorate, has now failecf twice to pass the bar e~am and cannot think why He is not blaming anything, or anybody, nor recriminating, but is frankly puzzled ow he's all set to study for a third time, night and day for months, to sit it again The USO law school did very well in the recent e_xams, having no less than a 92 per cent pass for first time examinees This compares with the state average of about 42 per cent Professor Joe Brock retiring USO law school professor told me this i~ pride for the school he helped to m~ld. He, too, was recognized by the state in a different way recently The Cal1forn1a State Assembly passed a resolution recognizing his particular contributions in the areas of education and community affairs at national state and local levels ' concerns them Trial by ordeal A recent arti<:le in e_. D-5 fVENING TRIBUNE USD trails by point IVU.,NG TRIIUNI OllPotcn PU BLO, Colo. - today after yesterday's matches in th CAA College Division comiwllllon. The nteaters broke a d adlock when thev went to the front with 19 points to l8 • for the Toreros Andrew Ra won two. singles matches for USD ye terday but Ken Simpson and Jay Harvey lost their te 'ts. Th event will wind up tomorrow. Yesterday', results SIMI... mlrd roond. Andy Rot uso. df. Jtfl Otis, Cal [)aVIS, 6,3, ... Horn,,) hmall, UT Chottonoooa, df Ken S1mP: ,on, uso. 7-S. •·•· 7 s, Jell wuuams UC lr'lll'II, df. Jav Horvtv. USO, 6-... I ••._..._Fourth rovnd· Roe df. ROl"I Esfro do. Chico Stott, 6-1, 6.J ooublts, third round Roe•Wotta, USO, di •na-JahnsOn, HOmP SEVEN HONORED AS TOP ELEMENTARY TEACHERS Seven an Diego city school teachers have been honored as "Outstanding Elementary Teachers of America" for 1975 and, will have their biographies inserted in a volume bearing that ,' title. The teachers were nominated by their principals, and selected by an organization of representatives from nationaJ and state educational departments and organizations, a San Diego Unified School District spokesman said. The teachers are: Barbara Dean, Bandlnl Elementary, Rita Marie ColtQ!!.,._ Burbank Elementary; Eileen Bates and Bea- .\).J'~trice Sanders, both of Emerson Elementary; Diane Sypher, : Florence Elementary; Esther Robbins, Perry Elementary; and Judith Turton, Wegeforth Elementary. They were selected on the basis of their professional, personal and academic achievements and will compete for national Outstanding Elementary Teacher of the Year awards, the spokesman said. ,/;,/J> Glass recovery research funded 4, ( ::,.sf "1::, Dr. Donald Peterson, a prof<'ssor of ch<'mistry at the Univer ·ty of san Diego, is conducting n•search in the recove of reusable glass from solid waste at the National Crnter for Resource Recover Inc., Washington, D.C. His project wlll continue for JO ',\,f'eks through a grant from the Natrnnal Scien,c • Foundation. ,. • • • The University o~ San Diego School of Law is asking for suggestions con- Spirits Take USD's Jones In ABA Draft University of San Diego forward Allan Jones re- ceived his second bid in as many weeks to play pro bas- ketball yesterday when the Spirits of St. Loui~ drafted the Ohio native In the sixth round. Jones, a 6-8 strongman, was taken in the eighth round by Buffalo in the NBA draft two weeks ago and Torero coach Jim Brovelli gave him a good chance to "Of course, so much de- ,, pends on which team you go e to and what their needs a are," Brovelli said. Jones played onl) his sen- ior year at USD after : transferring from Pepper- ' dine. As a junior there he 1 averaged 14.1 points per · game. Last season at USD, , he hit 47 per cent of his field goals for a 12.l average and -pulled down 201 rebounds, the latter two second bests on the squad. "He is a big, strong for- ward can jump well, " Bro- velli said. " He is always very active around the boards. No doubt physically : he can compete with them." ' Brovelli said Jones would have to work on his outside shooting and defense to make it as a pro forward. 1 " But the way so many teams ~1alize these days, they may use him just as a rebounding forward'" he sa·d r make it in either league. cerning the ,jesign of a model courtroom to be built on the thii-.1 floor of More Hall. It wants answers to the following questions: What physical a ·peels of a courtroom contribute positively to the sucC1?ssfui trial? What physical aspects of a courtoom tend to inhibit successful trials? * (p{-:i.S-/7:;, r se~--hn<'-l {.,/ ~,1 ,.-: .Fomil-yToday l Woman chairs fashion show Mrs. John Mazur was appointed chairman of the University of San Diego fashion show luncheon by Mr . James Davis. auxiliary president arc Josiah Neeper nnd Mrs. Author Hughes. Entitled • Fashion tennial", the Ort. 14 show will benefit the university scholar- ship fund. Co chairmen . u/K.,U){_. (p/nf :1.,;- Style Show Chairman s Named !11rs. John H Mazur of La Diego Auxiliary's 16th annu- .\lesa has been named chair- al fash10n how luncheon set man of the University of San for Oct. 14 at the Hilton Jnn HAZEL TOW Se '-'L h h u.._ ('- (pt ':>-/e /-:r--s- al," is the auxiliary's major fund-raising e\'f nt this y<>ar. Proceeds will o to the finan- I Clinic set for youth football Youth football players' instructional clinic will be held at the University of San Diego football stadium (off Linda Vista Rd .) Saturday. Any boy, ages 8 through 14, may attend. Youth football coaches may attend. Registra lion for each boy, who must be ac- companied by a parent or legal guardian at sign-in, will begin at 7:3011.m. For further information, call Bill Williams at 279- 3083 or 279-3137. on Mission Bay Serving with her will be Mrs. Josiah L. Neeper, co- chairman . :\1rs. Author E. Hughes, honorary chairman, is the wife of the university's president. The event, "Fash10n-tenm- cial aid program. EVENING TRIBUNE Soc •II< fd,10, Fossil hunt scheduled A fossil hunt will be mihnals and Andrew Rae yed ahw tn singles, but the Toreros trail UC Irvine by one point m their bid to repeat as AA Co)lege D1· vision tennis champions. two singles and one dcubles entry sur- viving, has 19 points while u D has li. A key match today pits l!SD's Ken Simp- son and Jiy Harvey, who yesterday sted the No. 4 and 5 e s in upsets, against Ir.·1 's second-seed· ed team of ~colt Carnahan and Bob W t. Irvine, viith several areas in San Diego county where fossil-bearing strata are exposed. MRS. MAZUR I tcr Bremn r, who ha~ been as- oclated with th unlver lty commu• nlty Ince 1950, ba · been named As oclate \ kar for Religious of the an Diego Roman Catholic Dloc ·e. conducted by the Natural History Museum Saturday. The field trip will be led by Dr. Richard Phillips, professor of geology at the University of San Diego; and Robert Dolan, a field 5 students to receive grants The Padre Hidalgo Cen• ter will hold its annual Mex- ican-American ~cholarship presentation dance next Saturday from 9 p.m. to 1 a .m. at the Sheraton Har- bor Island Hotel, 1380 Har- bor Island Dr. Presenting the scholar- ships to five San Diego-area college students will be the .\lost Rev . Gilbert E . Chavez, auxiliary bishop of the San Diego Roman Gath· olic Diocese. The recipients will be Rafael Romero, Pedro Na- varra and Michael Vega for the University of San Diego ; and Levis Lertique and Guillermo Valdivia for San Diego State University. Funds for the scholar- ships are raised by the Mexican-American Scholar- ship Commitee or the Padre Hidalgo Center through the annual scholarship dance. Martin Martinez is commit· tee chairman. Tickets can be purchased at the door or the center, 2277 Jl;atwnal Ave. tour will be con• The ,., ,., ducted by bus which leaves the museum at 9 a.m., returning at 4 p.m. Par· ticipaots should bring a lunch. Reservations are qu,ttl., 11 • 1 S- ,/{Q.Z:.,t" ------- required. geologist paleon• J..A..4 - 2-SOUTHERN CROSS, June 19, 1975 tologist. The trip will cover and I ( Around .the diocese Diego, admtssion to candid- acy for the permanem diaco- nate. Sunda~ June 29 S p.m.. St. Therese of thli< Child Jesus church, San Diego, ordination to transitional di- aconate of Michael McKay. Bishop Gilbert E. Chavez: Saturday, June 21, 5,30 p.m., California Youth Au- thority, Ontario, Mass and Confirmation. Father Richard Du.ncanson Secretary Healing Through Mental Prayer Workshop, St. Augustine High School, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Saturdays. June 28-Julv 26, conducted by Father Jerry Bevilacqua, OSA, and Sister Betty Igo. Donations: $3 per class. Details: 282-2184. Father Eugene Fischer, director of the diocesan radio and television office, named diocesan coordinator for the 41 st International Eucharistic Congress in Philadelphia, Aug. 1-8, 1976. Knights of Columbus. Council 1958, progressive dinner. Saturday . June 2a. 8 p.m., St. Catherine Labourc hall, San Diego Cocktails, salad precede at members' homes Stal par Club of San Diego. Stalpar-Tees - alumni couples - 14th anniversary dance, Saturday, June 21. 6 p.m .. Vacation Village, Mission Bay. Dinner. 7 p.m ., followed by dancing. Details: 582-3193. St. Gabriel's summer festival, Saturdav and Sundav, June 21-22, Poway Val!ey Riders Association rodeo grounds: food games, booths, entertainment. awarded $25,000 fedenl grant for preparation of 11.'ach<>rs o;) :\'ancy Jane Dale, daughter of Mr and l\lrs. James R Dale of Ri\'er ·ide. elected to Laurel Wreath service society, l\lount USD School of Education, division of special education\ mentally retarded. \'elas~o. third_place wi~~er, stale finals, " Bells Should_ Ring Again essay contest. Susan Perreira s art 'hy the Mi,ssion Ralph Fear! {!niversi~ City, elected president of USD) Alumni Assoc1at1on. Hes class of 1963. work qualified for state contest. St. Mary's college. Los Angeles. Sacred Heart ,\cademy, Ot·ean Reach, Laura Mota- USD classes ended a month ago and Jones is back hOme 1n Cincinnati, Brovelli said. Jones was an all-state player for Mariemont High School in Cincinnati and cap- , tamed nis team in a prep state all-star game after his 1 senior season. '.)~ &/~1(1( Catholics Plan eries Of Lectures Three Point Loma area Roman Catholic Parishes will present a series of speakers on Wednesday nights during July as part of the Peninsula summer se• rles of the churches. The Rev. Benjamin Moran, a visiting priest from Dublin, Ireland, will open the series at 7: 30 p.m. J,µJ.y 9 at St. Agnes Parish HaJl with a discussion of Christian · growth and the meaning of renewal and reconciliation. Mrs. Sally Troy, a famil) counselor, will speak on par- ent effectiveness at 7: 3( p.m. July 16 at St. Agnes and the Rev. Mr. Moran will dis- cuss Christian communit~ development at 7:30 p.m. July 23 at Sacred Heart Par- ish Hall. Dr. Raymond Ryland, a teacher at University of San Diego, will speak on Chris- tian unity at 7:30 p.m. July 31. at St. Agnes. Parishes participating in the series are St. Agnes, Sacred Heart and St. Charles Borommeo. Bishop Leo T. Maher Sunday, Monday, June 22, 23, meeting of CCB Com- mittee for Women Religious, Des Plaines, Ill. Saturday, June 28, 5:15 p.m., Immaculata. San * * * * Ladies or the lmmaculata, San Diego, "Evening in the C Park," to sec Starlight Opera's "Paint Your Wagon;" Friday, July 18, 8 p.m. Center seating. Reservations: 291-4493, Cardijn Center, San Diego, talk by Father John Leary, SJ, Friday, June 20, 8 p.m. at the center. Topic: "Con~cience vs. 277-3145. J\uthority." 20; ,ix-day tour, 1uuuc1.). Ju,, .,. --..-~ 223-0829. M M. Sugg is tour d1rector. • urnrt Our Lady of San Diego, CDA, newly-elected regent is Dolores Laughlin of National City. Ralph Fear, Unherslty City, elected president of USD ' Alumni Association. He's class of 196J. Knights of Columbus Council 905, San Bernardino, ., _ .. . __.._ 11::,, Knights' Ladies installation, Friday, June 27, council clubhouse; dinner, 7 p.m. Reservations: 882-0936. Sacred Heart, Ocean Beach, first annual festival Saturday' and Sunda}, June 14 15. Carnival rides, game , pri,e, rummage sale, auction. CCD method coarse, grades 1-12, St. Jam , Solana Beach. Eight sessions, June 16-July 2, Monday. Wednesday and Friday, 7-10 p.m. St. Jo eph Cathedral, Senior CYO, San Diego "grand-slam reunion," Saturday, Jul) 12, M gr. O'Lear>: Hall. Details, 465-8670, 282-0078. St. Martin's, La Me Desert Valley Singles, steak barbcquc-potluck, 7 p.m. ( Wednesday, July 2, St. Theresa's hall, Palm Springs. Details: 325-4362 San Diego Sierra Club, meeting Friday, June 20, 7:30 p.m., Natural History Museun., Balboa Park. Open to public. Details: 233-7144. . San Diego city jail, chaplain's request for men;s shoes, so that prisoners may appear properly dressed in court. Details: 281-8006. St. Patrick's Mission Society, bus ride to Knott's Berry Farm, Friday, June 20, 9 a.m.-8 p.m. Details, reservations: 281-7923, 281-6542. Foster Grandparents, San Diego coUJJty, first annual open house, Friday, June 20, 11 a.m.-2 p.m., room 207, Casa Del Prado, Balboa Park. Details: 234-6469. St. Martin's Wornan's Club, La Mesa, meeting, potluck luncheon, cards, Thursday, July 3, 11 :30 a.m., parish hall. Details: 469-206 . ( Mrs. John H. Mazur, La Mesa, chairman ofUSD Auxiliar0 16th annual fashion show Oct. 14, Hilton Inn. Mrs. Josiah L. Neeper oamed co-chairman. 5ed=-"' \ Co/ 1'(/1?' School honors 4 area youths Four area students arc Mar~ Ann Medlicott of among 22 high school Mission Bay High and seniors who received Susan Moons of Academy "honors at entrance" of Our Lady of Peace. certificate, from the Univer ily of San Diego. They re Janet Graham of Cla1remont High (i School, Kevin Henry of Univer. ity High School, t t •sn , <·h1H1l or J:dut·atlon, dtvi 10n of ·pcc1al <>ducation awordcd $ f<>dPr;il grnnt for preparation of teachers of mentally rNard,•d
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