News Scrapbook 1974-1975

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Sunday, July 27, 1975



Prof. Victoria takes post at museum Janice K, Victoria of La Jolla has assumed the post of chairman of the Activities Department at the San Diego Natural History Museum. She will take over from Howard Weisbrod who retired last month. Prof. Victoria comes to the museum from the University of San Diego where she was assistant professor of biology. A native of Southern California, Prof. Victoria received her doctorate and undergraduate degree at the Univpe,ity of California at Los Angeles where she majored in biology. She was asst. professor of biology at Prince

Highlights of the month's fare in art, music and drama-the times, places and playbills.






·ego Jun,or Theoter opens Ok· , (010 del Prodo, 7:'YJ. I Mcimo om exh,b,t st! fo, Sports heno, 8 I Sam Chotmon heads blues ihow fo, Fnends of Old Time Mu!IC ot Orongo's, 91 Fom ly Tree Puppell open Alvin 5teocllost on YIIIOClllor Is- land, Bolboo Porl; Puppet Theoter, 1:'YJ ond 2,'YJ (onhnuing, l,C,D,G,l,T. I

, Peter Frampton perfo,m ,n Soorts Arena, 7:1! I Indian Mogiqut perfo,ms ,n Zo,a Gardens, Bolboo Port., noon. I Ion and C- line Mitdttll i,ng ,n St. Jomes-by-the- Seo Ep11copal Church, 8••. Conhnu,ng, l,C,D,G,L,M,N.

Georgr's College in Largo, Md., before coming to USO and has conducted classes in general biology ecology and human health Prof. Victoria is married to Edward Victoria research biochemist at th~ UCSD School of Medicine.

conducts San D1119(1 Sympho- ny on Rancho Ber- nardo Groen, 8. I Organist 1111 Irwin ploys in Southland Mus,c Cent.., 8 Con t,nu,ng, C, D, G, I, M, T.


I f,.. Am Gallery cont,,, 11 Frontitr ....,_ico: Tht For w .. t oxhb,t,on • Cont nun,g G, N.

I Honolulu loy Cholt sings in St. Pov! s [1)11(0901 Church, 7 ... Conhnu- ,ng G, M, T.

I lot.n Gallen.. of Bo\tim.,..1 lhowl and ltll, groph,o al USO Founder1 Holl Gollt

I 8

San Diego ymphony play, on Roncho Bernardo Green, 8 I Poclllc Lyric Theater P'""'" program of opero exwpll, (010 del Prodo, Bolboo Port, 8. oho Sunday. I F,ne Arts Gallery opens show of Penn,ylvonio quilb •• Cont11111,na: C,G,l,M,R,T.


Thursday, July 31, 1975 Social Sketches

I Opero Undet 11,e Sto,. opon, w,t!, lo Tro,,oto Balboa Po.- Sp,oclels Organ Pavo,l,on, 8, ol!o Wedno,doy, F

I Stage S.Ytn prO!Onll showco1e perlo,monce, 83), olso fndoy end Sohir

Conhnumg G,L,T.


A partf to say thanks University of San Diego president Author Hughes and Mrs. Hughes recently gave a party at their campus residence, Casa de Alcala, to thank trustee Mrs. James S. Copley and chairman of the board of trustees Bishop Leo T. Maher for their hospitality to commencement honorees. Mrs . Copley was accompanied by her son, David, a recent graduate of Menlo Coilege. Other guests were La Jollans Mr. and Mrs. George Hubbard, Mr. and Mrs. William K. Warren also of Tulsa, Mrs. William H. Schmidt, G. Howard Matson Jr , and Msgr I. Brent Eagen.

I U.S. Army F'ield land and Sof. d~• Chorv• perlo,m in Bo/boo Porlt $pr.deb Organ Povdion, SJO • Con- tinu,ng G,L,N,P,l,S,T.

I Gk,,.. Gallery cont""" show of .,o,1., by lobe,; MotherweU, Con1111111 G,M.

h"""'Mia!t;-, """"°'od b d, ol Lo Jolla Ch

AndTrtCOffltla1nflll~ll!rt!!' n Diego Symphony ,n SOSU Aztec Stadium, 8. 1 Judy Collin, ang, ,n Golden Holl, 8'30. I Ojoys per/o,m ,n Sporfl Areno, 8. I Marionette The Emperor's New Clothes opens 1n Bolboo Pork Puppet Theater, 1,30, 2JO • Continuing A,G,H,L,M,P,S.

I Andre Kostelonetz conducts San Diego Symphony on Roncho Bernardo GrHn. 8. I lndion Moglque perlo,ms ,n Zoero Gardens, Bolboo Port., noon, olso Sunday • • Cont,nu,ng· A,G,H,l,N,P,5,T.

4J ti 7/":l..

t)~ 7/31/7'J-


I Theater Reseorch ord Development Inc. ope'll Tod reeds A Game for loys and Girls ,n Crystal Poioa, The- ater, 8:30 . Cont"'" : G,l,N,S.

I Lo Jolla Mulet,m ontemporory M conti ues dilplay o,, Chrilto', Oceon Front Cover ... Coatmv,ng G,H,M,T.

University To Present

I la Jollo Art k,«,ot,on' conhnue, Carolyn Schuln 011,


Concert Sunday at USD The Deatherage Quartet continuing its Sunday night concert series at the University of San Diego's ~mino Theatre, will be Joi?ed _ th is week by cla1rnetist Melvin warner. The group will play C. M. von Weber's Quartet in 8 Flat Major, Opus 8; the Q~a.rtet for Clarinet, Violin, Violoncello and Piano by Paul Hindemith. Tickets for Sunday 's concert are $5. Seniors students and servic~ personnel can purchase tickets for $3 at Camino Theatre box office prior to the 8 p.m. performance.

Key to Continuing Pe!'formances A-Crystal Palace 'A Gome for Boy, and Girls' ~oronado Playhouse 'Barefoot in the Part.• C-Crystal Palace 'Chautauqua' 0-Starltght 'Hello, Dolly!' Balboa Pork Bowl ~lobe Corter Center 'GodspeH' H-'H Ila, Dolly!" Notional Company, Gvic Theater l-Miuion Playhou,e 'Hot I Baltimore'

Comic Opera )',iozart's comedy opera, "Cosi Fan Tutte (Women I Are Like That)," opens a foµr-performance run at 8: 15 t p.m. today In the University of San Diego Camino The- El ater. 0 [t will run at the same time tomorro and Satur- P day, with a .Z p.m. matinee Sunday. 1 "Casi Fan Tutte," the story of two young men who ' make a bet over the constan- cy of their sweethearts, will directed by R obert Aus- tin, with orchestra and cho- rus conducted by Walter Ts_ptsch. The double, alternating cast features, in the role of Flordiligi, Linda McClain and Marilyn O'Leary; Dora- bella, Joyce Drustrup and 1 Alexandra Rogers; Despina, Wendy La Pl'a.cle and Chris 1 Lindsay; Fen-ando, David 1 Maker and Gle D'Abreo; Guglielmo, Tom Hinckley and Harry Bydevier; Don Alfonso, Lewis Lee. '

M-Old Globe 'Measure for Measure' N-Old Globe 'Much Ado About Nothing' P-Coronodo Playhouse 'The Sunshine Boys' R-Colifomio Ballet in UCSD Monde~ille Center S-Starlight 'Brigadoon,' Balboa Park Bowl T-Old Glob. 'Tempest'

I Ro.I St.wort ond fGCN perform 8olboo Stod um w,th Loggins ond M oa 2 I Mogic Clown and Ca. perlo,m a 8o bQCI Park R10tal Hoff I30, 2 30 3 30 Cont1nu1ng A,G,H.M,P,5,T.

Japane e tuden; \ to vi it La Jolla \ Forty-four Japanese students will be in La Jolla Wednesday for a picnic lunch at the Cove, a tour of the alk Institute and a vi it to UCSD, The women are all summer students at the University of San Diego. They are from the University of the Sacred Heart, Shibuya Campus, Tokyo, While in the United ~tates, the tudents are following an inten ive course in English, at- tending plays and concerts, visiting art galleries and bemg entertained by mencan families.


Sentinel staffers with the first-place countywide press awards they won las.! weekend. From left, ore editor Mel

Gountz, Lynne Carrier, Rosemary Johnston nd Joan Calvano. The entin I staff won more top awards, including the two mo t prestigious, than any other news- paper in the county. See story on -4A. Press awards: a Sentinel sweep Sentinel staffers dominated last weekend's county press awards articles on child care facilities and problems in the Sentinel area. •


banquet - winning top honors in four individual categories, more than any other newspaper m the county. The annual newspaper awards competition is sponsored by the San Diego chapter of Sigma Delta Chi, the professional journalism fraternity. Sentinel staffers walked off with four first-place plaques. The Escondido Times-Advocate won in two categories. The La Jolla Light, Chula Vista Star News and El Cajon Californian each collected one first-place award. Among the Sentinel's four top awards were the two most prestigious: en- terp~ise reporting and community service. It was the second year in a row that the Sentinel has won the com- munity service award. . This year, that award went to Rosemary Johnston for a series of

Lynne Carr:~r won the enterprise reporting award for a series of articles on police community relations problems. Sentinel staffer Joan Calvano won the top feature writing award for a poignant piece she authored last spring on the death of a young black man: "Bless Me With Blackness." Sentinel editor Mel Gauntz won the editorial writing award for a series of editorials critical of plans being pushed t~ construct a transit system and a new airport. The announcement of these four awards topped a banner year for the Sentinel editorial staff. In addition to dominating the county awards show Sentinel photographer Dan Coyr~ earlier won the prize for the best news photo in the state.

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