An Administrator's Guide to California Private School Law

Chapter 21 – Child Care Centers/Preschools

maximum of five days. 3004 Additionally, DSS has the authority to prohibit an individual from being allowed in a licensed facility, employed by the preschool, or from serving as an administrator of the facility. 3005 Type B deficiencies typically have up to a 30 day plan of correction to correct the deficiency, with a $50 civil penalty per day for failure to correct by the plan of correction date. The evaluator has the discretion to not issue a written citation if the deficiency is corrected during the field visit. CCLD evaluators will typically handle minor infractions, such as dusty nightstands or a burned-out light bulb, by verbally telling the child care center to correct the infraction. CCLD will conduct a follow-up visit within 10 business days of the required correction date to determine compliance with a plan of correction specified in a notice of deficiency. 3006 The follow-up visit will likely be much sooner if the deficiency is serious and has a 24 hour correction period. If the deficiency is timely corrected, the evaluator will state on the Facility Evaluation Report that no civil penalty is assessed. If that follow-up visit indicates a deficiency was not timely corrected, the evaluator will issue a notice of penalty setting forth the amount of the penalty, its payment date, and the name and address of the agency responsible for collecting the penalty. 3007 Preschools must timely pay the civil penalties if they do not intend to appeal the CCLD findings. DSS has the authority to suspend or revoke a license for violations of the laws and regulations guiding child care center activities and operations. 3008 Failure to pay the civil Preschools can be seriously impacted by receiving a notice of Type A or other deficiency as parents must be notified of CCLD’s findings. Child care facilities must post a copy of any notice of deficiency or Licensing Report immediately upon its receipt. 3010 The report must be posted for 30 days on or next to the interior side of the main door and will state whether the facility was cited for violations, if those violations are immediate risks, or if those violations could become a risk if not corrected. 3011 Preschools must also provide each child’s parents or guardians a copy of any Licensing Report that documents a Type A citation. 3012 Preschools must also provide parents of newly enrolled children a copy of a licensing report that documents a Type A citation if that citation was received within the 12-months prior to that child’s enrollment. 3013 Preschools must also send parents an Acknowledgment of Receipt of Licensing Reports (LIC 9224) if CCLD holds a meeting with the preschool to discuss noncompliance issues or complaints. 3014 Preschools must obtain a signed statement from the parents or guardians indicating they received the Licensing Report and must keep that verification in each child’s file. 3015 CCLD will post a Notice of Site Visit (LIC 9213) inside the main entrance door at the conclusion of each site visit, even if no deficiencies are found. 3016 This notice must remain posted for 30 days. 2. A PPEAL O F CCLD D ECISIONS A preschool may request a review of any CCLD decision against it, including notices of deficiencies, civil penalties, or even waiver and exception requests, within 10 working days of receipt of the written decision. 3017 The review will be conducted by a higher-level staff person penalties could result in a revocation of the preschool’s license. 3009 a. Postings And Providing Deficiency Reports To Parents

An Administrator’s Guide to California Private School Law ©2019 Liebert Cassidy Whitmore 658

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