2016 Spencer Handbook

Table of Contents


Welcome to the City of Spencer. It is our desire that you enjoy your work and perform it to the best of your abilities. We strive to provide a pleasant working relationship and service to the citizens of the City of Spencer. Every effort has been made to convey accurate and clear information throughout this book, but no written summary can completely and without exception cover every situation that may develop. You are responsible for all information contained in this book. If you have any questions, please feel free to discuss them with your Department Head. Employees of the City of Spencer shall be covered by these policies, if approved by the governing body. The following persons shall not be covered: 1. Elected officials 2. Members of the City Boards and Commissions 3. Personnel appointed to serve without compensation 4. Any individual retained as an independent contractor 5. Employees of Spencer Municipal Utilities 6. Employees of Spencer Municipal Hospital Standard operating procedures of the City of Spencer may vary somewhat between departments. This is necessary because of various duties and hours required of some departments, and various state and federal regulations that must be followed. Each department head may establish separate policies (such as SOP’s) for the purpose of handling matters applicable to their specific department. Such policies shall not however; conflict with the policies established by the City and must be approved in advance by the City Manager. The Public Library is under the control of the Library Board. The Board has agreed to abide by the City’s personnel policy. The Spencer Library Board retains the right to have final say over any and all policies of employees both current and future. CITY MANAGER SUPERVISION The City Manager will supervise and direct the administration of the City Government. The City Manager will supervise and direct the official conduct of all officers, departments and employees of the City and formulate and recommend employment and personnel policies, compensation schedules and benefits with the approval of the Council and will direct all matters relating to collective bargaining, with the cooperation and assistance of the City Attorney.


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